Nursing Education and Research Center

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Nursing Education and Research Center

Clinical signs of fever Clinical signs of hypothermia Factors that may alter core body temperature Site most appropriate for measurement
METHOD Oral Rectal Axilla Tympanic MAXIMUM LIMIT 37 celcius = 98.6 fahrenheit 37.5 celcius = 99.5 fahrenheit 36.5 celcius = 97.7 fahrenheit 37.5 celcius = 99.5 fahrenheit DURATION 3 minutes 1 minute 5 minutes According to calibration

ORAL probe

RECTAL probe


Oral probe for AXILLA ADD 0.5celcius to the reading

Rectal probe for AXILLA SUBSTRACT 0.5celcius to the reading

Only one probe for all routes No need to adjust readings Can be Celcius or
Unit selection button

Route selection button

Adult : Pull ear pinna upward Child: Pull ear pinna downward and back

Assess : Site most appropriate for pulse rate Factors that may alter pulse rate




It is usually ausculated by locating the angle of Louis. Technique: One nurse & Two nurse

Technique is through palpation and observation to obtain the respiratory rate , depth, rhythm and character.


NORMAL heart rate (bpm) 100-160 90-150 80-140

NORMAL breath rate (cpm) 30-50 25-40 20-30

NEWBORN 0-5 months 6-12 months

1-3 years
3-5 years 6-10 years 11-14 years 14+ years

80-120 70-110 60-105 60-100

20-30 15-30 12-20 12-20

Assess the following: Signs and symptoms of hypertension Signs and symptoms of hypotension Factors affecting blood pressure

GENERAL PROCEDURE: 1. Determine the preliminary systolic pressure by palpating the brachial artery then inflating the cuff until you no longer feel the impulse. 2. If patient performed any activity or drank caffeinated beverages, wait for 30min then take the reading. 3. The size of the cuff must be appropriate for the body mass of the patient. Secure the cuff, not too tight and not too loose. 4. If repetition of reading is needed, use the other arm for the next reading and let the other arm regain its circulation. 5. Use the popliteal artery if obtaining blood pressure on the thigh by positioning the patient on prone. 6. For pediatrics, brachial and posterior tibial artery is ideal and more. accessible

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