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Cver Lhe lasL 20 years our knowledge of blochemlsLry and molecular blology has undergone a

revoluLlon LhaL has affecLed our undersLandlng of Lhe blology of Lhe oral cavlLy 1hls book ls deslgned Lo
relaLed ldeas ln blochemlsLry and molecular blology Lo selecLed denLally relaLed Loplcs ln physlology
nuLrlLlon anaLomy hlsLology mlcroblology and lmmunology uenLlsLry was developed Lo LreaL dlseases
of Lhe LeeLh orlglnally denLal carles and perlodonLal dlsease buL laLer geneLlc dlseases such as
lmpacLed and overcrowded LeeLh or unusual geneLlc condlLlons such as clefL palaLe 1reaLmenL has
progressed enormously over Lhe lasL 30 years llke Lhose for many oLher dlseases new LreaLmenLs have
come ln Lhe form of fluorldaLlon as well as applylng oral hyglene measures and new maLerlals buL
dlagnoslng and LreaLlng Lhe 10 of Lhe populaLlon who wlll become severely affecLed remalns a
problem 1hls book ls dlrecLly relevanL Lo Lhe pracLlce of denLlsLry Loday as background for
undersLandlng bone LooLh sallva and surroundlng sofL Llssue research and also for appreclaLlng how
denLal carles and perlodonLal dlsease mlghL be beLLer dlagnosed and conLrolled ln Lhe fuLure
The IADS Standing Committee on Research and Education (SCORE) invites you to participate
at the 5th edition oI the IADS Lecture Contest which will be held at the IADS Annual Meeting (
24- 29th July) Delhi, India.
II you are a young scientist or at least have assisted a dental scientiIic project, the IADS Lecture
Contest is the chance Ior you to show the entire world that you can make a diIIerence within
your dental community.
Eligibility: Undergraduate dental students and young graduates
Deadline Ior abstract submission: June 20th, 2011
NotiIication oI selection: June 25th, 2011

Abstract rules:
1. Individuals may present only one abstract.
2. The submitted project must be original research.
3. Individuals can co-author multiple abstracts.
4. Abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission site available on
http://dswai.org/meetinghome.html -~ IADS Lecture Contest

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