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AuvL81lSLMLn1S MAnluLA1lCn Cl lnnCCLn1 LCLL

AuvL81lSLMLn1SManlpulaLlon of lnnocenL people

8y lsarla k Mwende

1hls world ls a glanL negoLlaLlng Lable and wheLher you llke lL or noL you are a
parLlclpanL We normally negoLlaLe more Lhan we reallze Sales clerks andservlce
provlders are among Lhe people we mosL frequenLly negoLlaLe wlLh ln mosL cases
we do noL negoLlaLe wlLh Lhem on falr grounds AdverLlslng plays a subsLanLlalrole ln
Lhls phenomenonWlLh Lhe growlng of Lhe medla lncreaslng number of magazlnes
news papers 1vs and radlo sLaLlons people are bombarded wlLh hundreds of
adverLlslng messages dally Servlces (LransporL medlcal horoscope eLc) cloLhes
vehlcles denLal creams soap cosmeLlcs sofL drlnks beer even clgareLLes! 1he
adverLlslng lndusLry ls growlng AdverLlslng ls lmporLanL because lL creaLes
awareness Lo Lhe consumers abouL producLs avallable ln Lhe markeL lL helps Lo
creaLe demand for Lhe producLs lL enablesLhe consumer Lo choose from a number
of producLs avallable ln Lhe markeL place

1ogeLher wlLh Lhe merlLorlous lnLenLlon of creaLlng awareness and broadenlng Lhe
specLrum of cholce Lo consumers on Lhe avallablllLy of producLs sulLable Lo meeL
Lhelr needs Lhere are glmmlcks been used ln adverLlsemenLs MosL people are noL
aware of Lhem because Lhey are prepared by clever arLlsLs phoLographers
Lechnlclans and wrlLers

MosL of Lhe wonders promlsed ln adverLlsemenLs are noL Lrue 1hese day Lo nlghL
bombardmenLs from Lhe medla are [usL meanL Lo convlnce us LhaL we need whaL
Lheyare selllng AdverLlsemenLs play wlLh our emoLlons LhaL ls why Lhey use sporLs
beauLlful ladles famous arLlsLs and sLars 1hey also use sexy lmages and fancy words
Lo capLure our aLLenLlon oLher wlse whaL has Lhese Lo do wlLh Lhe quallLy of Lhe
producL on sale?1hey wlll send you a message LhaL you have Lo be up Lo daLe 8uL lf
we ponder Lhls deeper Lo whose beneflL? ueep down one may be worrled lndeed
abouL Lhe sLaLe of hls/her budgeL how Lo make ends meeL on Lop of LhaL he ls
been seduced Lo be modern 1he modellng lndusLry ls a very good example WhaL
makes a dress or a palr of shoes ouL of daLe? uo our slsLers really need Lo change
from Llme Lo Llme Lhelr halrsLyles cloLhesskln colour [usL Lo geL modern? Lven aL
Lhe expense of ones healLh! Can a glven brand of soap or deLergenL acLually resLore
a plece of solled cloLh Lo new so LhaL lL can be puL back Lo Lhe shop counLer wlLhouL
a consumer noLlclng Lhe dlfference? 8eally! 8uL Lhls ls exacLly whaL Lhe adverLs Lell

1he publlc need Lo be made more consclous of Lhe meLhods used by adverLlsers Lo
work on peoples psychologlcal vulnerablllLy Lhelr prlde Lhelr sense of ldenLlLy wlLh
Lhelr own generaLlon Lhelr own soclal group or Lhe one Lhey are cllmblng Loward
sympaLhles Lhelr deslre Lo look more beauLlful younger vlrlle more bold eLc 1he
adverLlsers worldwlde are succeedlng ln maklng people change Lhelr very llvlng and
spendlng hablLs 1haL ls why Lhey are ready Lo spend loLs of money ln Lhe adverLlslng
lndusLry 1he consumer hlmself meeLs Lhese expenses ln Lhe flnal analysls lL ls
esLlmaLed LhaL Lhe prlce of a producL may go up for up Lo 40 due Lo adverLlsemenL

1he adverLlsers succeed due Lo Lhelr conLrlved aLLacks on our loglc and sense of
reallLy Cn one hand Lhey Lry Lo explolL Lhe power of Lhe fear ln people Lo be
dlfferenL 1he fear Lo be only a few sLeps away from Lhe herd MosL people are noL
aware of how Lhey are drlven Lo conform 1hey llve under Lhe llluslon LhaL Lhey
follow Lhelr own lncllnaLlons and lnsLlncLs LhaL Lhey have arrlved aL Lhelr oplnlons
and declslons as a resulL of Lhelr own Lhlnklng and LhaL lL [usL happened LhaL Lhelr
ldeas and declslons are Lhe same as Lhoseof Lhe ma[orlLy noL knowlng lL ls due Lo
Lhe power of Lhe bombardmenLs from Lhe adverLlslng messages leadlng Lo accedlng
Lo Lhe LempLaLlon Lo buy [usLbecause every one else ls dolng soCn Lhe oLher hand
adverLlsers Lry Lo explolL Lhe propenslLy of man Lo be a sLep ahead of Lhe oLher Lhe
deslre Lo be greaL lmporLanL Lhe deslre Lo excel 1he deslre your chlldren Lo aLLend
a beLLer school Lhan Lhose of your nelghbour We brag abouL Lhe quallLy of our
waLches 1haLs why Lhe adverLlslng messages wlll consLanLly Lell you LhaL Lhls
producL ls beLLer Lhan Lhe resL Cnes mlnd capLures Lhe message and goes wlLh
lLAnoLher meLhod used by Lhe adverLlsers ls sexual arousal 1hey know LhaL sexual
deslre ls Lhe mosL powerful of human deslres 1hey Lhen embed sexual LlLlllaLlon ln
Lhelr adverLlslng messages uslng plcLures sounds or words 1hese messages are noL
vlvld Lhey are hldden so Lhey appear ordlnary lL ls only Lhe unconsclous parL of
ones mlnd LhaL ls capable of recognlzlng and sLorlng Lhese messages where Lhey lle
dormanL uncrlLlclzed unevaluaLed and unknown Lo Lhe lndlvldual unLll Lhe Llme of
purchase when declslon ls requlred 1he burled lnformaLlon Lhen surfaces and ls
Lransferred Lo Lhe consclous mlnd whlch acLs upon lL lf one ls LhlrsLy for example
Lhe unconsclous mlnd lmmedlaLely decldes Lhe Lype of drlnk Lhe person has Lo Lake
dependlng on Lhe messageslnsLllled earller from Lhe adverLlsemenLs no reason and
no loglc ls used because Lhe unconsclous mlnd ls lncapable of LhlsAll Lhese Lhlngs ln
one way or anoLher help Lo mould Lhe aLLlLudes of people of your aLLlLude and
hence Lhe LhoughLs and flnally Lhe acLlons of all of us

1he bombardmenL ls LorrenLlal ln Lhese ways Lhousands of people are dally
massaged and manlpulaLed 1hlssuppresses Lhe rlghL of lndlvlduals Lo declde on Lhelr
own free wlll maklng people Lo pursue false goals and values Cf course Lhe
markeLlng experLs are groplng for ways Lo keep sales soarlng ln Lhe face of mounLlng
saLuraLlon 1o avold gluL Lhey need gluLLons Cur consumer socleLy was noL bullL ln a
day 1here was a Llme mosL of Lhese lLems belng adverLlsed Loday were rare
commodlLles ln 1anzanla some years back We used Lo buy Lhem Lhrough raLlonlng
1hls ls gone now under Lhe sLrucLural ad[usLmenL programme manufacLures (Lhe
prlvaLe secLor) have flooded Lhe markeLs wlLh new producLs and ever changlng buL
noL necessarlly of hlgher quallLy ConsLanLly Lhe cry ls Lo updaLe 1hey wlll Lell you
LhaL Lhls deLergenL has such and such new lngredlenLs 1he quesLlon ls does lL wash
beLLer Lhan Lhe resL? Already ln Lhe developed counLrles adverLlsemenLs are
creaLlng envlronmenLal problems Many lLems cloLhes shoes uLenslls 1vs
furnlLure eLc are Lhrown away because Lhey are no longer fashlonable raLher Lhan
because Lhey are worn ouL !unk mall ls anoLher problem 1he Lerm ls used Lo
descrlbe adverLlslng and promoLlonal maLerlal whlch ls senL Lo lndlvlduals un
requesLed 1hese also end up ln LhedusLbln creaLlng enormous wasLe Lo deal wlLh lf
we are maklng such a loud nolse abouL vlolence agalnsL women and chlld labour
why no one speaks abouL Lhls very cruclal vlolaLlon of human rlghLs?

We buyers need Lo Lake heed no less lmporLanL are changes ln Lhe way we percelve
Lhlngs Lvery Llme one ls exposed Lo commerclals or adverLlslng messages of any
klnd one musL remlnd hlmself LhaL ln mosL cases Lhese are propaganda deslgned Lo
convlnce hlm LhaL oLher peoples oplnlons are more lmporLanL Lhan hls Slnce noL all
adverLlslng messages are bad we musL learn Lo ask ourselves whaL klnd of
lnformaLlon dldwe geL ouL of lL LhaL whlch mlghL help us declde wheLher LhaL
producL mlghL really be good and useful for us Lo buy We should learn Lo Lune lnLo
Lhose few LhaL really do offer a good deal on someLhlng one mlghL flnd useful ln hls
llfe baslng on Lhe acLualneeds

We should learn Lo see Lhlngs Lhe way Lhey really are Lo know our opLlons LesL our
assumpLlons and acL on a solld lnformaLlon Money comes hard Why wasLe hard
earned money?AparL from knowlng Lhe nebulous Lrlcks used ln adverLlsemenLs
commerclals placards promoLlonal pamphleLs and leafleLs people need Lo be
educaLed on how Lo spend Lhelr money wlsely 1hls should be one of Lhe maln
sub[ecLs glven durlng Lhe flnal year ln prlmary school Seeds need Lo be planLed early
aL Lhls sLage of learnlng Chlldren are more adapLlve and responslve WhaL Lhey learn
ls broughL home Lo Lhelr famllles and Lhe communlLy aL large Secondary schools and
colleges should also lnclude Lhls sub[ecL ln Lhelr currlcular ln Lhls process of change
Lowards global economlc lnLegraLlon and a world economy characLerlzed by Lhe
llberallzaLlon of Lrade globallzaLlon of caplLal markeLs and rapld dlffuslon of
advanced Lechnologles and consumpLlon paLLerns such knowledge ls absoluLely
necessary MosL of us have been Lralned as money earners and noL as spenders As a
resulL we learn lL Lhe hard way someLlmes paylng very hlgh prlces

Cur governmenLs have also an onus lf dangerous and polsonous subsLances llke
agrochemlcals (ferLlllzers pesLlcldes funglcldes herblcldes rodenLlcldes eLc) are
labelled and adverLlsed mlsleadlngly due Lo Lhe presenL markeLlng compeLlLlon lL
wlll lead Lo mlsuse and mlshandllng of Lhese subsLances 1hls wlll pose a healLh rlsk
Lo Lhe farm worker Lhe consumer of Lhe farm producLs and Lhe communlLy as a
whole We allneed Lo eaL and we all need Lo be safe! AcLually our governmenLs have
a duLy Lo care for Lhe clLlzens 1hey should Lake Lhe lead ln orchesLraLlng acLlon Lo
save people from Lhe [unk belng adverLlsed Lhrough Lhe medla Who else can come
Lo our rescue from LhlspredlcamenL! CovernmenL should esLabllsh lnsLlLuLlons LhaL
wlll scruLlnlze and ensure LhaL Lhe commerclals and adverLlsemenLs do noL merely
cheaL people callously 1he lnsLlLuLlons should have power and auLhorlLy Lo expose
publlcly Lhe Lechnlques LhaL operaLe agalnsL Lhe publlc lnLeresL lL should make sure
LhaL people are noL manlpulaLed cheaLed lled Lo or explolLed by unscrupulous
Lraders ln some counLrles Lhe adverLlsemenL of clgareLLes ls agalnsL Lhe law 1hls ls a
good example Lo be adopLed worldwlde because Lhe proposlLlon LhaL clgareLLe
smoklng ls hazardous Lo human healLh ls no longer conLroverslal lL ls a sclenLlflc facL

1here ls no doubL LhaL when people are manlpulaLed regardless of Lhe moLlves Lhe
rlghL Lo declde for Lhemselves ls Laken away as well as whaL Lhey wanL Lo do and
who Lhey wanL Lo be AfLer all sald we need more crlLlcally Loday Lhan aL any oLher
Llme a Lruly democraLlc world ln all senses 1he avallablllLy of reasonable cholce!
1he forces of compeLlLlon musL be seL Lo work ln Lhe publlc lnLeresL We should be
allowed Lo exerclse our free wlll

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