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I can't believe it's hard just to talk to you.

Every time I think about you, I have to remind myself that if you wanted to talk to me, you would. I'm sorry I can't be just friends.
To the girls who haven't met the Mr. Right yet, I'm sure that you have met at least one of those : Mr. Stupid Mr. Engaged Mr. Psycho ... Mr. Drama ... Mr. Obsessed ! Mr. Cheap Wait! I'm not done! The list goes on: Mr. COMMITMENT ISSUES Mr. ALL THE GIRLS WANT ME" kol el banat bet7bk kol el banat 7elween" Mr. STONE AGE THINKING Mr. JUDGMENTAL Mr. Am DIFFERENT than all the other guys Mr. You're just to good 4 me, you deserve better" khalek 3and omk" Mr. I can't propose too you cuz my parents want me to marry my cousin! Hahaha Mr. I'm the one who controls this relationship" press ctrl+A u ya 7elatha!" Mr. Child ! >>> Grow up!!! Mr. Oh look at me I'm too pretty <= " w hwa shabh Shrek aslan" Mr. U r way too complicated and I can't get u > u can't? Who cares Mr. I'm not a relationship guy bs entee Gheir sub7an allah! WOW!how lucky am I" haha Mr. Friends with benefits. ma3 urself 7abibi

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