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ersona| Data
Name Syed kash|f A||
Iather Name Syed A|| Murtaza(Late)
ke||g|on Is|am
Nat|ona||ty ak|stan|
NIC No 42201S8183971
assport k1793971
Dom|c||e karach|
Mar|ta| Status S|ng|e
Lma|| Syed kash|f2009Qahoocom
hone No 0213S011322]03343892108

Academ|c ua||f|cat|on
O Matr|cu|at|on W|th 1echn|ca| 8oard from karach| board |n 2001

O DAL (Mechan|ca|) from ak|stan| Swed|sh |nst|tute |n 2009

O 81ec (Cont|nuous )In Ma||r Campus
ISC 9000 Awareness
I|rst A|d I|re I|ght|ng
khan Commun|cat|on and 8ehav|or C||n|c
I can speak Lng||sh Wr|te Lng||sh Understand Lng||sh
CS1AL ADDkLSS Syed kash|f A||
nouse No287 Area C1 Landh| No2 karach|
Ian 2002 to Dec 2003
Cne year exper|ence as a mach|ne operator |n s|kandar kazzaq sons
Ian 2003 to Iu|y 2006
1hree ear exper|ence as a sen|or sh|ft superv|sor |n ua||ty Assurance Department W|th Agr| auto
Industr|es Ltd (ISC1s 16949 Cert|f|cate)|n fo||ow|ng Works
Shock Assemb|y
Struts Assemb|y
|ston kod Assemb|y
Agr| Auto Industr|es Manufactur|ng
Look After We|d|ng ||ne seem We|d|ng Spot We|d|ng Co2 We|d|ng |ts We|d|ng test
Iu|y 2006 to t||| Date
Now s|nce one year work|ng exper|ence as a "Ma|ntenances department |n Adam[ee panther
no|d|ng V1 Ltd
1hree ear Lxper|ence as a Sen|or sh|ft superv|sor Manufactur|ng arts |n ua||ty Department |n
Adam[ee anther no|d|ngs (pvt) Ltd
1ILL DA1L Shabb|r t||es |n Ma|ntenances Department
S|ncere Inte|||gence Conf|dent Comm|tment
keference Ava||ab|e on request

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