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8uheeL PasnaLh

Software's used
We used several dlfferenL sofLware's Lo help us LhroughouL Lhe course Lo enable us Lo
creaLe good enough work Lo make sure we are ln a good poslLlon aL Lhe end of Lhe course
We used sofLware called scrlbd Lo make our work look more professlonal and lL was an easy
sofLware Lo use afLer we goL used Lo lL furLhermore lL was a very handy sofLware because lL
was a qulck and slmple sofLware Lo use and lL was accesslble aL home and ln school we used
Lhls sofLware Lo upload mosL of our work onLo our blog eg producLlon schedule audlence
research eLc so lL was a handy sofLware for our coursework

We also used llnal cuL pro Lo edlL our movle Lhls programme was really good afLer we goL
used Lo lL because lL ls very good sofLware when lL comes Lo edlLlng and l would hlghly
recommend anyone LhaL wanLs Lo edlL Lo use Lhls sofLware

We used hoLoshop Lo help us creaLe a sLoryboard 1hls
sofLware was very handy because lL saved us a loL of Llme We used Lhls sofLware Lo make
all of our lmages have a pencll effecL whlch Lhen made our sLoryboard look very professlonal
and made Lhe Lask much easler

We used sofLware called sound cloud Lo upload our sounds and Lhen we embedded lL from
Lhere onLo our blog Sound cloud ls good sofLware Lo use because lL ls very good for sounds
and you can also edlL your sounds on Lhere ls well

We used sofLware called 8ubblus Lo creaLe our bralnsLorm on Cverall l Lhlnk LhaL Lhls
sofLware was good Lo use because lL made our bralnsLorm look more professlonal and we
dld noL have Lo bralnsLorm on paper lL also enabled us Lo learn abouL a new programme

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