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Logic gates BS P-III Institute of Phsics

Building your own

Logic gates
Objects of the experiment
To understand "How the basic logic gates work?".

A logic gate is an electronic circuit, which makes logical decisions. It has ohe
output and one or more inputs. The output signal appears only for certain
combinations of input signals. Logic gates are the basic building blocks from
which most of the digital systems are built up. They implement the hardware of
logical function, based on the logical algebra developed by George Boole. A
unique characteristic of the Boolean algebra is that variables used in it can assume
only one of the two values i.e. either 0 or 1.
In this experiment, we will study the OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR gates
some applications. They are used in computers, telephone switching systems,
industrial control system, and automation etc.

Part I: The OR Gate

The OR gate is represent by the following algebraic equation: A+B=C. It means
that the logic of output should be '1' , when either A or B or both are '1'. A truth
table may be defined as "a table, which gives the output states for all possible
combinations of the in puts. Symbolic representation

for an OR gate.
A B c
0 0
1 0
0 1
1 1

Com peleteTruth table for the double input OR gate.

Logic circuits BS P-III
D2 (b)

Diode OR Gate

Figure1: circuit diagram (b) for an OR gate.

How does it work...
i) When A is at '+5V' , D1 is forward-biased and hence conducts. We get
' + 5 V ' at the point C.
ii) Same mechanism happens if B is at '+5V' , D2 conducts switching the point
C at '+5V'.
iii) When both A and B are at '+5V, both the diodes D, and D2 conduct, and
the point C is again at '+5V'.
iv) The point C will be at 'OV, if and only if both A and B are at '0V'.
When we perform the experiment, the voltage at the point C is never equal to the
applied voltage at the point A and B. This is because of potential drop across the
pn-junction, whitch is 0.7V for silicon diodes, and 0.3V for germanium diodes.
1. Construct the curcuit given in fig-1(b).
2. Verify the truth table given by applying the input voltage ( A & B as
given in table ) and recording out puts.

Part II: The AND Gate

In Boolean algebra, the logic AND is represented by the symbol "." or 'x'. Its
working equation is AxB = C or A.B=C, i.e. C = 0 if any of two A or B is '0'.

Diode AND Gate
D1 2.2 K
Figure2: A Symbolic representation (a),and circuit diagram(b) for an AND gate.
Logic circuits BS P-III
The circuit in fig 2(b). If any of the point A or B (or both) is at zero potential, the potential
of point C will be nearly zero, as the voltage across a forward- biased diode is very
small (0.3 V). Moreover if both A and B are connected to '+5V' the point C will be
at '+5V', because now both the diodes are off. This is called a 'diode AND gate'
for obvious reason. More than two diodes may be used to form a. triple or multiple
AND gate.
A B c
0 0
1 0
0 1
1 1
Compelete the Truth table for double input AND gate.
How does it work...
i) When A is at '0V ' diode D1 conducts. So the point C is driven to 'OV'.
ii) The same mechanism is repeated if B is at 'OV'. Then D2 conducts which
switches the point C at 'OV'.
iii) When both A and B are at 'OV', both the diodes conduct and the point C is
at 'OV'.
iv) When both the inputs A and B are at '+5V', no current will flow. The point
C will be at '+5V', and we get the logic answer ' 1'.
1. Construct the curcuit given in fig-2(b).
2. Verify the truth table given by applying the input voltage ( A & B as
given in table ) and recording out puts.

Part III: The NOT Gate

This gate consists of three elements, a transistor and two resistors. It is called the
NOT gate, because its output is opposite to its input. It is also called an inverter. It
has one input and one output, as shown in the truth table. Its symbolic
representation and circuit diagrams are shown in figure 3.
A c
Compelete the Truth table for NOT gate.


4.7 K

Figure 3 : Symbolic (a), and circuit diagram (b), for NOT gate.
How does it work...
In this circuit two resistors are used. The resistor used with the base terminal is
higher than with the collector. The emitter base junction is forward biased and
collector base junction is reverse biased. To control the base current we use the
high resistance. Now see what happens when we make the input logically '1' and
afterward '0'.
When A is at '+5V', the emitter base junction is forward biased and the transistor
is 'ON' and maximum current flows through the collector lead. We get the point C
at '0V'. Conversely, when we connect A with '0V', The transistor stops working
and we get the point C point at '+5V'.
1. Construct the curcuit given in fig-3(b).
2. Verify the truth table given by applying the input voltage ( A as
given in table ) and recording out puts.

Part IV: The NOR Gate

The combination of OR gate and NOT gate makes a NOR gate. Its symbolic
representation along with the circuit diagrams is given in figure 4.

Figure4(a): Symbolic diagram for NOR gate.

Logic circuits BS P-III

4.7 K

2.2 K

Figure4(b): circuit diagram for NOR gate.

A NOR gate will have an output ' 1 ' only when both inputs A and B are logically
'0' If any of the input is '1' the output is '0'.
A B c
0 0
1 0
0 1
1 1
Compelete the Truth table for NOR gate
1. Construct the curcuit given in fig-4(b).
2. Verify the truth table given by applying the input voltage ( A and B as
given in table ) and recording the out puts.

Part V: The NAND Gate

A combination of AND gate and NOT gate makes a NAND gate. Its symbolic
representation and circuit diagram are shown in figure 5.

Symbolic representation (a), +5V +5V
and circuit diagram (b)
2.2 K
for a NAND gate. 1K
4.7 K


Logic circuits BS P-III

This gate gives an output of '1' if its both inputs are not '1'. In other words it gives
an output of ' 1 ' if either A, or B, or both are logically. '0'.
A B c
0 0
1 0
0 1
1 1
Compelete the Truth table for NAND gate.

1. Construct the curcuit given in fig-5(b).
2. Verify the truth table given by applying the input voltage ( A and B as
given in table ) and recording the out puts.

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