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Frito Chili Pie

LeItover chili is not something that happens oIten in our house. Most batches, no matter which
kind we make, give us Iour servings. Dinner one night, reruns the next. But sometimes hubs
will be hungry enough Ior 2 bowls the Iirst night, leaving that one random serving to do
something with. And that, my Iriends, means Frito chili pie. We preIer Scoops rather than the
little Fritos because they don`t get soggy beneath the chili. It makes a marvelous lunch or snack
Ior two.
O Frito`s Scoops
O cup Iiesta blend cheese
O 2 cups oI leItover chili
O sour cream
. In a pie plate or oven saIe bowl, layer Frito`s Scoops.
2. Layer over with chili.
3. Add some oI the cheese.
4. Add more chips, more chili, more cheese.
5. Bake at 350 degrees until the cheese is melted (about 0 minutes).
6. Top with sour cream.

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