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Multivitamin Review 1

Multivitamin Review
Michelle Caudillo
November 16, 2011
Ose Martinez

Multivitamin Review 2

Multivitamin Review
Reading the vitamin label on a bottle oI some prenatal multivitamins and there is a
variety vitamins. These vitamins include Vitamin A 4000 IU, Vitamin C 120 mg, Vitamin D
400 IU, Vitamin E 30 IU, Niacin 20 mg, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, and Zinc. The label reads
that it also contains soy. The label in our readings indicate that a person should have an intake oI
up to 90 mg per day oI Vitamin C and my multivitamin has well above that amount oI Vitamin
My beneIit to taking this multivitamin is to help my body inside Iunction better. I take
prenatal multivitamins whether or not I am in any stages oI pregnancy because it has all the
vitamins I would need. The main reason why I do take a multivitamin is because I do not have
time to eat every meal in the day, so taking the vitamin I Ieel does not raise my daily intake oI
certain vitamins to a toxic level but helps me reach the right levels. Consuming too much oI
certain vitamins and minerals can have a person reach near toxic levels which can cause
problems with bodily Iunctions. BeIore taking any vitamins a person should have an
understanding and knowledge oI the recommended dosages.

Multivitamin Review 3

University oI Phoenix. (n.d.). The Jitamins. Retrieved Irom University oI Phoenix, SCI/241
University oI Phoenix. (n.d.). Water and Minerals. Retrieved Irom University oI Phoenix,
SCI/241 website.
Kroger Prenatal Multivitamins/Multimineral Supplement Label

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