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Evolution oI Social Security in UK

4 1348 - The Statute oI Laborers is issued in England, Distinction between the "worthy"
and the "unworthy poor
4 1601- The Elizabethan Poor Law
4 1662 - The Law oI Settlement and Removal is established in England
4 1782 - The Gilbert Act is passed in England
4 1795 - Speemhamland system establishes earliest "poverty line"
4 1834 - ReIorms to Elizabethan Poor Laws. The principle oI "less eligibility"
4 1942- The Beveridge Report. cradle-to-grave economic protection Ior its citizens
4 1946 - Great Britain establishes its National Health Service.
4 1948 National Assistance Act: abolition oI the Poor Law

The Three Social Security/ WelIare Traditions
4 Poor Law Tradition
4 The Social Insurance Tradition
4 The welIare State tradition
The great debate
4 The Residual View oI Social Security
4 Institutional View oI Social Security
Guiding principle - The welIare State tradition
The key elements oI the "WelIare State" were understood as being
4 Social Security
4 Health
4 Housing
4 Education, and
4 WelIare and children (the 'personal social services')
The Five Evil Giants and their remedies
4 Want - National Insurance Act, 1946
4 Disease - National Health Service Act, 1946
4 Ignorance - Education act , 1944
4 Squalor - New Towns Act
4 Idleness Government helping Industries in high areas oI unemployment

ther Important Social Security legislations
4 Family Allowance Act, 1945
4 National Assistance Act: abolition oI the Poor Law, 1948

Three Social Security Strategies
4 Social Assistance strategy
4 Social Insurance Strategy
4 Social Allowance Strategy

Young, A. F., & Ashton, E. T. (1956), British social work in the nineteenth century,




Beveridge, W. (1942), Social insurances and allied services the first 20 pages of the Beverigde

Beveridge, J. (1954), Beveridge and his plan

Timmins, N. (1996), The five giants, a biography of the welfare state

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