Mythbusters Lesson Plan

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Mythbusters: A Lesson PIan

Katie McCIanahan
Compass SchooI, Eric's 9/10
grade cIass. 10/6/11

Established Goal(s):
-Students will learn how to use the scientific method to plan and execute experiments to
bust or confirm common myths and general questions they may have about the world.
-Determine the difference between theory, law and hypothesis.
-Defining hypothesis, theory & law.
-Exploring popular myths using the
scientific method
-Connection between experimentation and
answering questions one may have about
the world.
-Demonstrate use of scientific analysis to
explore myths
-Setting aside misconceptions about
commonly held beliefs until all variables
have been explored
Essential Question(s):
-What is the scientific method and how do
we use it? How can we use it?
-what's a myth?
-How would you go about proving or
busting a myth? What steps would you

!erformance Task(s)
-Students will discuss mythbusters video-
with a focus on the steps used to achieve
scientific analysis. Taking into account
-Students will break into small groups to
design an experiment that will either bust
or confirm the myth in their mystery folder.
-Students will present their myth and
experiment to the class

Other Evidence:
-Students will demonstrate use of scientific

Lesson PIan - 40 min
-Intro (3min)

As Jess talked about, the first step to determining the validity of a myth is to determine
where it came from. She also talked about the importance of deciding for yourself if it is
true or not true. 'm here to take you 1 step further and ask, " have your myth.
You've figured out where it came from. Now, how do you figure it out?

Myths are tricky to figure out. As most of them are based on fact, they may or may not
be true.

How do you prove or bust a myth?

Let's ask Adam and Jamie from Mythbusters what they did with the myth: about phone
book friction:
It |s |mposs|b|e to separate two |nter|ocked phone books due to the mass|ve amount of
fr|ct|on between the 800 pages of each book

(Show first 1:30 min of this)

-CIass Discussion (5 min)
So, what do you think?

What steps show should they take? What variables should they account for?
Other types of books perhaps? Magazines, chapter books?

What are the steps of the scientific method?
O Ask a Question
O o Background Research
O onstruct a Hypothesis
O %est Your Hypothesis by oing an Experiment
O Analyze Your ata and raw a onclusion
O ommunicate Your Results
t is important for your experiment to be a fair test. A "fair test" occurs when you change
only one factor (variable) and keep all other conditions the same.

This is different from the Engineering Design !rocess:
A scientist asks a question and develops an experiment, or set of experiments, to
answer that question. They don't have an end in mind. Engineers use the engineering
design process to create solutions to problems. An engineer identifies a specific need:
ho need(s) what because why? And then, he or she creates a solution that meets the

So Adam & Jamie use scientific analysis to bust or confirm myths and questions that
viewers send in.

Scientific Theory: A set of concepts about observable phenomena that have been
satisfactorily tested or proven.
Scientific Law: a statement that explains what something does in science & must always
apply under the same conditions. Confirmed and broadly agreed upon.
Hypothesis: a proposed explanation for a phenomenon
Scientific Hypothesis: a hypothesis tested with the scientific method.

So now you have an opportunity to design an experiment for yourself.

-SmaII group chaIIenge- Experimentation of myths: (10 min)
After much experimentation, Adam & Jamie can confirm, bust or determine a plausible
answer to the myth. Now it's your turn.
Break into 3 groups of 3, and 2 groups of 2 (thirteen students total?)
Choose a mystery folder. n each folder is a myth.
Your challenge is to design an experiment that will allow you bust or confirm the myth in
your mystery folder.
Use the scientific method, the rubric & what you know about experimentation to help

-Group Presentations (10 min)
Each group will present their myth and experiment design to the class. About 2 min

-A Brief Debrief & CIass Discussion (10 min)
What was that like?
Applications to life: How does this apply to your everyday life.and questions & myths
you may have about the world?

Have answers ready???? But emphasis that experimentation is key to discovering
things! Or not give them the answers and have them look into it if they are curious???

Phone Book Myth answer:

The MythBusters tried to pull the two phone books apart with human power, which was
unsuccessful. A pair of cars also failed at pulling the phone books apart. Finally, the
MythBusters resorted to using an M551 Sheridan light tank and an M113 armored personnel
carrier, which were able to pull the phone books apart. While the myth was busted, the
MythBusters pointed out that it took 8,000 pounds of force to pull the phone books apart,
meaning that you could literally hang two full size cars from it.

Materials Needed:

!rojector to play YouTube videos
Mystery Files containing myths & rubrics
Large sheets of paper & markers

Source: From &nderstanding by Design Professional Development Workbook (p. 30) by
J. McTighe and G. Wiggins, ASCD.

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