Public Hearing CGISheet Invitation

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Invitation for Second Public Hearing on CGI Sheet Scam by Meghalaya Right to Information Movement


Sir/Madam, Meghalaya Right to Information Movement invites you to the second Public Hearing on the anomalies found in the purchase of CGI sheets under Rural Housing Scheme of the Govt. of Meghalaya on 24th November 2011 at 11.00 am at Don Bosco Youth Center, Laitumkhrah. This public hearing is the follow up to the last public hearing held last year on 4th May 2010, where we had shared our RTI findings on the anomalies discovered in the purchase of CGI sheets under RHS. Based on these findings we had complained to the government and demanded that the government initiate an independent enquiry into the scam. But government through press statements of the Chief Minister Dr. Mukul Sangma and the Housing Department, rejected our findings. MRTIM, followed up its complaint with further RTI queries regarding the status of its complaint to State Vigilance Commission and the Chief Minister and also in the office of Accountant General (Audit). In this second Public hearing MRTIM will share its new findings and further substantiate its earlier claims. MRTIM has also invited the Chief Minister, State Vigilance Commissioner, Other Govt. Officers and Supplier to the public hearing to present their view point. Hoping to see you at the hearing.

(On Behalf of Meghalaya Right to Information Movement)

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