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held its Fifteenth Annual Convocation on April 30, 2011


Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow,


Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, held its Fifteenth Annual Convocation on April 30, 2011. Shri D. Sivakumar, Vice President and Managing Director, Nokia India, was the honourable Chief Guest on the occasion. Chairman, Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Vice Chairperson, Smt. Anjali Jaipuria, the esteemed members of the Board of Governors and the Academic Council of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, were present on the occasion. The convocation commenced with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp and invocation to Goddess Saraswati. Shri Sharad Jaipuria,
Shri S. Chakraborty, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow; Shri D. Sivakumar, Vice President and Managing Director, Nokia India; Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors; Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow and Smt. Anjali Jaipuria, Vice Chairperson, Board of Governors, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow at the Fifteenth Convocation of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow.

WELCOME RANGOLI-The rangoli is a SWASTIKA in shape. Swastika has Sanskrit origin from the word 'Svastika' that means lucky or auspicious. If we further go into the root, then su means good, vasti or svasti means well being and ka is the suffix used for verbal meaning. Therefore good fortune and luck is associated with the symbol of Swastika. This auspicious symbol was used as a welcoming gesture for the guests.

Chairman, Board of Governors, JIM, Lucknow, welcomed the Chief Guest and the distinguished congregation on the solemn occasion. Shri Jaipuria, while delivering his welcome address, pointed out that India is steadily moving ahead on the fast track of growth and hence we Indians must equip ourselves intelligently to overcome obstacles to growth. Emphasizing the role of value-driven culture in an organizations growth, he added that core characteristics such as agility to respond to circumstances, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance and the like will help in abating the current fierce


competition which globalization has brought in. He enumerated the things which will have a defining impact on growth, like fierce competition, high rate of change driven by technology, high productivity fuelled by the internet, and an insatiable demand for talent by developing and the developed economies. The challenge in India is not merely to sustain or attain growth but to manage growth, observed he. The success at this point, according to Shri Jaipuria, will be decided by the core strengths an organization has developed. He, very clearly underlined the need of effective solutions which are critically required in the present scenario.He emphasized the role of leadership in

Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors, Jaipuria, Lucknow, presenting the Inaugural Address

The graduating students at the Fifteenth Convocation at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow

PGDM, 2-year full-time PGDM (Financial Services), 2-year full-time PGDM (Retail Management) and 3-year part-time PGDM programmes. The successful candidates were conferred diplomas by Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Institute. The meritorious students were awarded scholastic medals, for
Members of Academic Council and the faculty at the Fifteenth Convocation

their outstanding performance, by the Chief Guest, Shri D. Sivakumar. In addition to various existing scholastic medals, a special medal was conferred to recognize the student of the year. This medal is meant for the student who comes at the top in scholastic performance from among all the students completing the various two-year full-time PGDM programmes of the Institute. Padma Rajpal was awarded Student of the Year 2011 for her exceptional scholastic performance.

Indias growth-journey and reiterated, as a promoter, to upgrade and upscale the educational endeavour as a resolve of his group. In all, 255 students successfully completed various programmes of the Institute this year. The programmes are: 2-year full-time


NAME OF THE PROGRAMME MEDAL CONFERRED Chairmans Gold Medal Full-time PGDM Programme [2009-2011] Vice Chairpersons Silver Medal Directors Bronze Medal Full-time PGDM Programme Financial Services [2009-2011] Full-time PGDM Programme [2009-2011] AND Full-time PGDM Programme Financial Services [2009-2011] Chairmans Gold Medal Vice Chairpersons Silver Medal Certificate of Merit- Marketing Certificate of Merit- Finance Certificate of Merit- Human Resources Chairmans Gold Medal Part-time PGDM Programme [2008-2011] Vice Chairpersons Silver Medal Certificate of Merit- Marketing Certificate of Merit-Finance Certificate of Merit-Human Resources NAME OF THE STUDENT Padma Rajpal Shikha Srivastava Neha Agarwal Neha Gupta Mona Firoz Shikha Srivastava and Trishna Shukla Neha Gupta Shikha Srivastava Har Preet Singh Sanjay Sinha Sanjay Sinha Har Preet Singh Richa Bhadauria

1 3

1. Padma Rajpal receiving Student of the Year 2011 Award 2. The meritorious students of PGDM (Full-time) programmes with the dignitaries 3. The meritorious students of PGDM (Part-time) programme with the dignitaries




"Forget not that the opposite of courage is not cowardice; it is conformity."
Prof. S. Chakraborty, Director, Jaipuria Lucknow, presented the progress report of the Institute and highlighted the milestones achieved by the Institute during the academic year 2010-2011. Congratulating the graduating students, who were stepping out of the sheltered nest of their alma mater and moving into the outside world, the Director shared with them that life is the art of drawing without an eraser. For the various questions life brings up, the answers are not available at the back of a book and those have to be created as one goes through the various phases of life, reminded he. Referring to the perceived tension in corporate life, he added that the real source of tension is the gap between what one is and that what one wants to become. To rise above that, he advised the students to believe in themselves, define their own goals in life,
S. Chakraborty, Director, Jaipuria Lucknow, addressing the students

compete with self, retain the desire to learn, inculcate a positive attitude, and have faith in the Godly design of things. Forget not that the opposite of courage is not cowardice; it is conformity, said he. Prof. Chakraborty reminded the students that winning and losing are a part of life as they are the two sides of the same coin. Noting that success is amorphous and cannot be measured, he shared with the students that while we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens within us. Urging the students to develop a sportsmans spirit, he advised them not to live an undifferentiated life based on the choices made by other people. He added that better rewards come when one engages in selfdefinition, as happiness then ensues, instead of being pursued. He wished the graduating class all success.



promises to be Indias best decade economically, with real GDP growth, a shade below ten pc. Does this GDP growth promise a successful career? No, a good tide can keep the boat afloat, but doesnt guarantee progress or direction. How do I see the world in 2020? I see a world that is digitally more integrated but physically being more protectionist as every nation will 2020. which is also at a similar level.


Convocation Address (verbatim) by Shri D. Shivakumar, Vice President and Managing Director, Nokia India
economy coupled with a humble, conscientious society will achieve much more! Your generation, more than any other, will be a truly global work force, you have a global degree, you have a top ten global country on your side! So, the next decade promises to be good. I want to talk about ten questions or thoughts that you might have as you start what promises to be a great career. The first one is a thought about entitlement. An MBA is not a gurantee, but a degree. I have learnt that there are a third of you who have taken an education loan to complete this degree. Every parent has huge hope after you have completed your degree; the media paints the MBA as the job with keys to the bank vault. I have, over two decades, seen that an MBA opens at best the first door and the second door; but it is not a guarantee for success. Success comes from a number of other things. The second thought I have for you is about learning. This might be a surprise since you have just finished two years of learning. Most MBAs stop learning once they finish their degree. Your world will change much faster than ever before and hence an ability to learn and unlearn quickly will be crucial to a good career. An MBA school and the work-place are two different things, you choose the subjects you like in a B school, you cannot choose parts of your job to do well at work; you choose your friends in B school and are not really bothered about the rest, at work, you have to work with all kinds of people, you cannot avoid them or delist them; in B school marks are objective and define your standing, at work there are a number of subjective factors and

I was sitting like you more than two decades ago waiting to receive my degree and wondering what life had in store for me. You are smart people and you will have an influence in the area you choose. You are starting your career in a decade that

Shri D. Sivakumar, addressing the students

want to that bit more appeasing and populist in the face of severe global competition. New digital brands twitter and Facebook will be teenagers by 2020. India will be a top ten dollar economy in

India presents opportunity and challenge in equal measure. For every fact about India, there is a counter fact that is also true. Its this plurality that is exciting and confounding to observers. We are young, yet old, the average age in India in 2020 will be 29, we will also have at least 75 million people above the age of 60; we are rich, yet poor, we will have at least 50 Forbes list dollar billionaires, we will have a third of the country living under two dollars a day; we are educated yet illiterate, we celebrate 8 pc GDP growth, but we dont challenge the unemployment number

That should give each of you and us immense hope as we look to the future; however it should not make us arrogant. A successful


there are no marks to fall back on !; you have your own language and expressions in B school, this language, I submit, is understood by 5000 MBAs in the country, the rest of the world speaks a different language. I have noticed that the MBAs who forget their B school roots in less than six months at work invariably do well. So start learning, the workplace and life has a lot more to teach you now. The third question you will have is about money. When you start, please do not measure your worth by how much you are earning and how much more it is compared to your classmate. Money is an outcome and not the only reason to work. If you look at successful careers, money is actually multiplied in the latter part of a career. However, sadly, most people tend to move jobs early in their careers for a few dollars more. If you are good, money will come to you, but having more money will not make you good! The fourth question will be about work. I know a number of people talk about being smart, shrewd etc. at work. I believe in what David Ogilvy said many years ago Hard work never killed anyone, laziness killed a number of executives. Work hard; learn a lot, which will only improve your self-worth. The fifth question will be about the definition of success and what that means to you. I submit to you that success has a purely personal definition. To use a flight analogy, it is likely that some of you will fly at fifty thousand feet, some at forty thousand feet and some at thirty. It doesnt automatically mean that the guy flying at 50 thousand feet is more successful. Success is what you make of it and what you are willing to do to get there, it is that personal. Once youve defined that, you can be happy that youve achieved your definition of success. A good career takes more than 15 years of strong reputation building and is not a fifteen month program! If you want a successful career, you need one ingredient and that is oodles of good health. Young MBAs tend to put on weight and stop exercising when they start work because of bad and irregular food habits. Being physically fit is important to be mentally alert. The next and seventh question will be about family, work-life balance etc. It is likely that many of you will have a working partner. Managing one career is itself a challenge, managing two careers will be even more of a challenge. Managing two careers, children and then thinking about work-life balance will be difficult task. A family is your emotional anchor; no amount of success can insulate you from that emotional anchor. When you start your career, your parents, some classmates, your professors,

some people at work and maybe even your boss can be an emotional anchor. For most part of the journey, the family is the biggest emotional anchor and you should nurture that. As you sit here for one last time as a graduating class, look to your left, look to your right. You are possibly seeing a classmate, someone you know. As you go through life you will see the person differently, each will have his or her achievement and will leave his or her own mark in life. Keep in touch with each other. You are a lucky generation that you have a lot of social media to keep you in perpetual contact. Every classmate is a huge asset and I would urge you to stay connected. I have 96 classmates from B school; I havent met at least 25 of them after my convocation. I feel bad about that. Thoughts number nine and ten are about your relationship with the organization and your thoughts on leadership. There is a natural tendency for you to compare your workplace with other companies, on some scores; your workplace will score well, in some areas it will not score well. There can be no workplace which is the best combination of all parameters. You should be proud of the place you work in and you should uphold and contribute to the institution building process. If you are ever not proud of the place where you work, you should better leave then. Find a place where there is the best fit. I worked in Hindustan Lever for many years and every day I was proud of the firm and am still proud of the firm. I work in Nokia today and I come to work prouder every passing day. Today, the Indian citizen has the highest faith in two institutions, the judiciary and the army; every soldier and every judge has to work hard to keep that faith; so should you in your organization. And finally, the last question, about leadership. I want you to think of leadership as contribution and not as control. I do come across a number of CVs where people quantify leadership in terms of number of people reporting to them. Think about contribution to the company you work for, the contribution to the team you play in, the contribution to your Alma Mater, and the contribution to society. Leadership is about contribution. This will involve a lot of commitment and sacrifice from you. The journey of leadership is in itself a big reward to play for. Today is not just an occasion; it is a truly special and emotional moment, where you start your journey. In this journey, you will travel far and wide, you will love and be loved, you will care and be cared for, and you will lead and be led. A lot of people, your parents, your professors, your classmates want you to make them proud, dont let them down!



Smt. Anjali Jaipuria, Vice Chairperson, Board of Governors, delivered an inspiring Founder's Message and proposed the Vote of Thanks. She praised the director, JIM, Lucknow, for his suggestions and ideas that have been the guiding vision for the unique Jaipuria Model of Development. She lauded the faculty and the non-teaching staff of the Institute for working towards intellectual, spiritual and social evolution by demonstrating 'value-based leadership'. In her 'message to students' she said that as graduating students step into the world of work, with dreams in their eyes,

discover the 'secret' no change will ever occur. Quoting Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, she said that as long as we live on the 'surface consciousness' we shall remain unaware of the true reality of the universe which is 'serene consciousness' or 'pure radiant truth'. She observed that all religions; named as ruh in Islam, atma in Hinduism and soul in Christianity; see it as a 'spark'. She added that those who discover this Godly presence within themselves, experience 'real ananda'. She further explained that we have vast potential to become what we truly are and this is the truth or

Smt. Anjali Jaipuria, addressing the students

they are disenchanted by the state to which humanity has sunk. She added that discussing about problems will not help; instead what will help is putting our minds together and finding 'solutions' for those problems. She noted that there is something fundamentally wrong in the world's understanding of 'progress'. To become better human beings, is what should suffice for progress observed she. She further added that unless we

knowledge or wisdom or reality. According to her, submerging self within the inner divine spark would be the real and lasting cure of the malady of ignorance, corruption, greed, falsehood, desire and other illnesses that have beset humanity at large. She siphoned the secret of all happiness, by saying, When an egg is broken from outside life ends, but when the egg is broken from inside life begins.


THEME RANGOLI-This rangoli reflects the mixed feelings of the students. The tree depicts the Institute. The deep roots of the tree symbolize the deep-rooted culture of the Institute. The trunk of the tree depicts the infrastructure and total education system. The branches of the tree depict the faculty. The mirrors placed on the branches as fruits of the tree depict students. The background is white because white is the mixture of all the colors and represents wholesomeness and synergy. The students have tried to express that all the colors in their lives are derived from their alma mater, JIML. The face is symbolic of a student of the Institute. The potters wheel along with the pot shows the education system. It shows how a teacher moulds a student in the same way as a potter moulds a pot. The eagle shows that now the students are ready to fly like a bird and reach the heights of the sky of success. An eagles eyes can see at great distances with utmost precision. Another characteristic of the eagle is that it doesnt shy away from storms; instead it spreads its wings and uses the winds to reach to new heights. This inspires the students to have a clear vision of the future and to use failures/ problems/ conflicts to improve performance. The two circles represent the bond of friendship among the students. Two different colours, red and blue, are used for the two circles. Red is the color of energy, power and intensity while blue depicts tranquility and peace. Thus it shows that here at

The rangoli made on the occasion of the Fifteenth Convocation by Pragya Pandey, Pukhraj Kaur, Shakshi Dwivedi and Lipi Sharma, students of PGDM First Year

Jaipuria students come from different backgrounds and have different qualities, still they work together in teams and due to their diversity compliment each other, thereby creating synergy. The small ship denotes the journey of life. They convey to the students the message that they will have to face the difficult waves and sail through them. The black cloud illustrates the difficulties but there is a silver lining which shows that if they work hard then there will be light of opportunity for them and they will succeed. The image of Lord Ganesha in the middle of the Rangoli blesses the students with good luck and spiritual wisdom. The lighted auspicious diyas illuminate their paths of life.




Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. Prof. Chakraborty emphasized on the paradigm shift required in meeting the information needs of the users through libraries. He observed that a variety of information from a variety of sources is available. He said that the Library and Information Science professionals need to help users in data-gathering, organizing and in evaluating information. He talked about a fourfold choice-matrix of Wants and Gets and suggested the library functionaries to bridge the gap between Does not Want and Get; and Does not Get and Dr. H.K. Kaul, Founder Director, DELNET, being welcomed by Prof. S. Chakraborty, Director, Jaipuria Lucknow and Shri D.K. Trapathi, Librarian, Jaipuria Lucknow DELNET, in collaboration with Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, organized a one-day workshop on Resources, Services and Facilities for Library and Information Science on June 16, 2011. DELNET (Developing Library Network) is a resource-sharing library network located in the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and connects more than 2050 libraries in 32 States and UTs in India and in eight other countries. It provides access to more than 100 lakh records of books, journal-articles and the like. The inter-library loan and document delivery services are the most popular services wherein one can get books from any part of the country as well as journal-articles through them. Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow is a member of DELNET since the year 1998. The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. S. Chakraborty, Director, Dr. Sangeeta Kaul, Network Manager, DELNET, explaining a point Want choices. He coined three Es of Library Networking: Energy, Excitement and Enthusiasm. Urging the Library professionals to work steadily and willingly to facilitate the user through userfriendly approach, he said, If you decide to fly kites against the wind, there has to be strong winds to make it happen.


Dr. H.K. Kaul, Founder Director, DELNET, presided over the inaugural function. Dr. Kaul, stressed that providing proper information to the user in a simple and presentable manner is the purpose of library science. He thus emphasized value addition, as the goal of library management. Dr. Sangeeta Kaul, Network Manager, DELNET, highlighted 5 Cs of Library Networking : Cost, Client, Computers, Connectivity and Content. Emphasizing the role of interdependence in Library Networking, she observed, One cannot operate in stand-alone mode in Library Networking. Earlier, in his Welcome Address Shri D.K. Tripathi, Librarian, JIML, expressed his heart-felt regard for the DELNET team and enthusiasm about the workshop. Recognizing the importance of information, he accepted a dearth of libraries providing desired

information to its user. He added that DELNET provides the desired information to a great extent. Vote of Thanks was given by Shri Vinod Kumar Chib, a member of the Faculty, JIML. Thanking the DELNET team for its interaction with the JIM community, he hailed DELNET for its simplicity and great perfection. The workshop had sessions on New Trends in Knowledge Organization, Networking Libraries through DELNET, Koha: An Open Source Integrated Library Management System, DELNET Consortium and Experiences of JIM, Lucknow followed by open discussion. Library and Information Science professionals from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttaranchal and other neighbouring states attended the workshop.





Placements for the PGDM students of the 2009-2011 batch at the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow saw a new high with nearly 50% more job offers coming to the students. Out of the 82 companies that visited the campus, 56 were new and were largely drawn from the Banking and Manufacturing sectors. A

the college-campus. The placement highlights of this year are as follows:

The Quality of job-profiles

Good profiles have been offered to students. The students are hired by Research Companies as Research Analysts; many students have gone in PSU Banks in specialized and senior profiles such as Financial Analysts, Managers in Risk and Credit Management, Foreign Exchange etc. and many of the students have been recruited as Managers in MMG Scale II.

Placements at Jaipuria Lucknow achieve new heights this year with many reputed organizations showing tremendous faith in the capabilities of Jaipuria students.
few companies from South India also came for campusrecruitment, like State Bank of Hyderabad, Corporation Bank and others. Companies in the Agri-rural sector also came for campusrecruitment this year. The Institute believes that the next fifty years belong to rural India. Research and Consultancy was another area from which companies made their maiden entry to

The year has been notable for the packages that the students have deservingly earned. The average salary package has increased 48.27% and the highest salary package has increased 140% from the last year. Two of the students have been selected for postings in South Africa.


Students satisfaction
With the kind of companies that came, the quality of profiles and the packages offered, the job security and career prospects companies offered- the students of batch 2009-2011 are satisfied. At the fag end of the placement season the placement department conducted special sessions to increase the employability skills of those students who had been left behind.

Other notable recruiters

Nomura Services, Capital IQ, ICICI Securities, the Future Group, Havells, Kajaria Ceramics, Reliance Retail, Grail Research, Berger Paints, Hindware, Prism Cement, Godfrey Philips, ITC-Tobacco, Everest Metals etc. All are respectable names in their respective business segments.

Banking and Finance sector

In view of their huge employment potential, handsome packages, excellent career prospects and students acceptability, the Placement Cell strategically focused on the Banking and Financial Sector this year. Exim Bank, IDBI Bank, Axis Bank, UCO Bank, Central Bank of India, State Bank of Hyderabad, Bank of Baroda, Dena Bank, Allahabad Bank, Corporation Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce and ICICI Bank: all came to the campus and recruited in large numbers. In all, 130 students were picked up by this segment.

A high conversion rate

The reason for a good placement is a students employability. Towards achieving this end, to increase the required employability of the students, the Placement Cell systematically worked towards value addition. Firstly, the Placement Cell created awareness (largely informal, through interactions with individual students, student groups, students representatives in the Placement Cell) so that students were sensitized to this facet of placement, and then, an outside agency of experts was engaged to conduct special sessions.

Students Placed Sector Wise 14 10 4 5 6 18

Students Placed Functional Area Wise 6 42


27 130 30
Agriculture Banking & Finance Industrial Insurance Research Retail Others Sales & Marketing - Finance Sales & Marketing - Others Finance Operations Research


Papers Published/ Accepted for Publication
Athar Mahmood
Paper titled, A study on Perception of Trainers regarding Effectiveness of Training Programmes in Banking Sector, published in Asia Pacific Review Journal, Vol. VII, No.1, 2011, pg. 150157.

Literature Review," published in the International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology (IJIMT), Vol. 2, No.2, April, 2011. Link:

Sumi Khare
Paper titled, Changing role of women in Indian Advertising, published in the International Journal of Transformations in Business Management (IJTBM), Vol. 1, Issue 1, January-March, 2011 (co-authored with Neha Srivastava, Research Scholar, Rajshri Tandon University, Allahabad, U.P.).

Manisha Seth
Paper titled, Role of Computer Self-Efficacy in the Prediction of Technostress of Student Computer Users, published in the book titled Computing, Business Applications and Legal Issues, Rashmi Aggarwal, Reena Khurana, Narayan C. Debnath (Eds.), Excel Books, First Edition, 2011. ISBN: 978-81-7446-936-6

Sumi Khare & Saima Rizvi

Paper titled, Factors Affecting The Capital Structure of BSE-100 Indian Firms : A Panel Data Analysis, published in the Indian Journal of Finance, Volume 5, Number 6, June 2011.

Manisha Seth & Deepa Sethi

Paper titled, "Human Resource Outsourcing: Analysis Based on


Papers presented/Accepted for presentation in Conferences

Asheesh Trivedi & Athar Mahmood
Presented a paper titled, Cognition Process and Flexibility: Key to Sustainability for Micro & Small Enterprises, in EREC 2011, held at IIM Indore, on May 13-16, 2011.

Athar Mahmood
Presented a paper titled, Impact of Demographic Variables on Performance: Perceptions of Banking Sector, in EREC 2011, held at IIM Indore, on May 13-16, 2011.

Manisha Seth
Presented a paper titled, "High Performance HR Practices: A Cross Sectoral Study of various organizations in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India," in the "International Conference on Organizational Development" held at Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Ghaziabad, on April 6-7, 2011.

Vinod Kumar Chib

Presented a paper titled, TQM A Success Story of Britannia Industries Limited, in International Conference on Excellence in Management Practices, ICEMP-2011, organized by Department of Management Studies, Kristu Jayanti College of Management & Technology, Bangalore on April 15-16, 2011.

Other Literary Activities

Rashmi Chaudhary
Endorsement and review of a couple of Chapters of Financial Accounting book by Dhanesh K. Khatri (The book is a publication of Tata McGraw Hill Education). Review of the Table of Contents and a couple of Chapters of a proposed textbook for post graduate management students on Accounting for Managers (The book will be a publication of Oxford Higher Education).

Shubhendra Parihar
An article, Changing Face of Cyber Crime, is published in a monthly magazine 'Apraadh Bureau', April 2011 issue. An article, 'Finance for your Education', is published in a weekly newsletter ' Adomania'.



Management; Dr. J. D. Singh, Director General, Jaipuria Institute of Management and Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow fraternity were present on the somber occasion. Mrs. Chakraborty and Prof Chakrabortys grand-daughter also came to attend the Farewell. Prof. Chakraborty devoted seven years of continuous, dedicated service to JIML. Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow will always be indebted to Prof. Chakraborty for the tireless efforts taken by him to make it a wellknown B-School of the country.

Jaipuria Lucknow Welcomes New Colleagues

Dr. Abhay Kumar Srivastava, joined as Assistant Professor (Quantitative Techniques) on June 15, 2011. Ms. Hyma Apparaju, joined as Assistant Professor-III (Business Communication) on June 29, 2011. Ms. Archana Singh, joined as Warden-II (Girls Hostel) on June
15, 2011.

(From right to left) Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors, Jaipuria Institute of Management; Prof. S. Chakraborty, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow; Smt. Mandira Chakraborty (wife of Prof. S. Chakraborty) and Dr. J. D. Singh, Director General, Jaipuria Institute of Management, at the Farewell of Prof. S. Chakraborty.

Mr. Ram Krishna Ojha, joined as Warden-I (Boys Hostel) on

June 20, 2011.

Mr. Deepanker Joshi, joined as Assistant-Computing Services

on June 20, 2011.
Dr. J.D. Singh presenting a bouquet to Prof. S. Chakraborty

Ms. Jimi Kumari Yadav, joined as Library & InformationAssistant on July 1, 2011.

Dr. Shailja Agarwal was bid farewell by the JIM fraternity in a

touching ceremony on March 31, 2011. After devoting four years of continuous service in the area of Communication, she has moved as Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak, Haryana.

Ms. Srangar Kashyap, joined as Library & InformationAssistant on July 1, 2011.

Jaipuria Lucknow Bids Farewell

JIML director, Prof S. Chakraborty, was bid farewell on June 30, 2011. Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors, Jaipuria Institute of Management; Smt. Anjali Jaipuria, Vice Chairperson , Board of Governors; Jaipuria Institute of

PATRON: Shri Sharad Jaipuria, EDITOR: Dr. Jaya Chitranshi EDITORIAL TEAM: Dr. Deepa Sethi, Dr. Reeti Agarwal
PUBLISHED BY: JAIPURIA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010 Ph.: 0522-2394296-97, 0522-2398096 | Fax: 2394295

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