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lAC1S luLAS LLA8nlnC lSSuLS AC1lCn
Crlme and crlmlnal ma[or lssue lC1 conLrlbuLe Lo cyber crlme WhaL ls cybercrlme and lLs
Search Lhe lnLerneL
Crlme lndlvldual Lo governmenL
Lake serlous concern
Many crlmes are reporLed Pow lC1 conLrlbuLe Lo cyber
Searchlng for book
Lconomlc and Lechnology
developmenL moral and human
1hls problem can be solve lf every
person and agencles Lake parL
WhaL ls Lhe sLaLlsLlc of

lnformaLlon and communlcaLlon
Lransforms Loo fasL
Lconomlc and Lechnologles
developmenL reduces moral and
human developmenL lf noL use
Who are Lhe vlcLlms?
lmporLance of lC1 developmenL
lmporLance of morals and values
lC1 developmenL should make
people more clvlllzed
Who are responslble Lo solve and
overcome Lhls problem?

Awareness of personal safeLy and
securlLy physlcal and
cyberspace aspecLs
lf cyber space aspecLs noL secure
physlcal aspecLs also noL secure
Pow economlc and Lechnologlcal
developmenL reduces moral and
human developmenL?

lC1 causes Lhe rlse cyber crlme
low eLhlcal and moral values
Why lC1 developmenL can make
people more clvlllzed?

Pow can lnsecurlLy ln cyberspace
aspecLs affecL securlLy of physlcal

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