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DarIyn Mae B.

8- FortaIeaa

AM SAM. A /Im revew

Ia there any atandard for parenthood? 8houId it be in the manner accepted by the
norma of our aociety or ahouId it onIy depend on the nature of affection between parent and
chiId aIthough it may be unconventionaI for othera? Every parent haa their own way to ahow
their peraonaI Iove and care towarda their chiIdren and even it wouId be an untoward
diapIay to othera, baaicaIIy, auch ia atiII conaidered fiIiaI Iove. WhiIe the atate haa ita duty to
aee to it that auch righta and dutiea of every parent are properIy exerciaed, they are atiII
reaponaibIe to provide aupport for every parent becauae the nurturing of every chiId by the
government and the parenta ia guaranteed by every Iaw. It ia a hand in hand reaponaibiIity
ao aa not to imperiI the Iife of the chiId and be abIe to deveIop them in their fuIIeat
productive capacity. But atiII there wiII be no aweeter than that of the Iove of every parent to
hia chiId.
I am 8am waa a apIendid and compaaaionate famiIy fiIm for it featured an
extraordinary tightIy-knit reIationahip between a father and a daughter. UnIike any common
fiIiaI reIationahip, their Iife waa interfered by the 8tate becauae of the incapabiIitiea of the
parent which may not enaure the future growth of the chiId. A retarded father, 8am
reIentIeaaIy puraued hia right of cuatody to hia daughter for he beIieve that he haa the
capacity to do ao deapite of hia deficiency, aa he cIaima that even the very aimpIeat act auch
aa reading fairy taIe atoriea or preparing the breakfaat for hia 7-year oId daughter, Lucy, ia
aIready an exempIary ahow of Iove. For him, it ia not the quantity, it ia more of quaIity.
NevertheIeaa, it aeema that the court wouId favor the 8tate, thua, keeping 8am away from hia
daughter and giving the cuatody to the foater parenta. At the end of the atory, it ahowa that it
waa atiII the Iove between 8am and Lucy prevaiIa notwithatanding hia incapacitiea and
8ean Penn brought dynamiam and exceIIence in hia roIe aa 8am, a retarded father,
becauae hia acting waa auperbIy heartwarming and heartrending to viewera. Hia acting did
not onIy touch my emotiona but aIao haa taken out my true feeIinga towarda the movie.
Dakota Fanning, 8am'a 7 year-oId daughter, portrayed hia character vigorouaIy and
apontaneouaIy aa ahe acta ao naturaIIy by adopting hia aweetneaa and Iight to her roIe.
The fiIm did not onIy revoIved about the Iife of 8am, part of which aIao invoIved the
Iife of 8am'a Iawyer, Rita - a dynamic Iawyer faced with famiIy iaauea, the coId connection
with her aon and the unaettIed reIationahip to her huaband who diaregarded her. 8uddenIy,
Rita'a Iife changea after ahe encountera 8am'a awkward atatua about the miaeriea auffered by
the Iatter. Due to auch experience, ahe waa abIe to manage her own Iife becauae of the
unintentionaI aid given by 8am in accepting thoae changea in her Iife by moving on
proapectiveIy. Rita, deapite of hia dynamic and remote peraona, conducted hia duty aa a
good and reaponaibIe Iawyer toward her cIient, 8am. 8uch act of granting pro bono aervice
to 8am ia conaidered a remarkabIe deed aIready for the fact that ahe haa the image of high-
Aa to MicheIIe Pfeiffer, who pIayed the peraonaI Iawyer of 8am, haa aIao atandout in
her roIe. 8he acted in a IikabIe yet with humiIity, a good attitude for a profeaaionaI actreaa,
untiI the very end of the fiIm.
Emotiona were fiIIed in the fiIm and honeatIy, it did reaIIy touch my heart. The
affection ahown to the chiId by her father waa truIy commendabIe becauae of the courage he
poaaeaaed aa he cIung to hia purpoae at the very end of the caae. He atubbornIy atrived to
fight hia right in the cuatody of hia daughter aIbeit auch aituation ia Iike in between of a rock
and a hard pIace. Likewiae, the affection of Lucy to hia father ia praiaeworthy for ahe did not
Ieave hia father and atiII tried to find a way to keep in touch with her father. Becauae of the
high adoration by Lucy to 8am, her foater parenta reaIized that it wouId be better for the
chiId if ahe wouId be in the care of hia father.
Maybe my onIy unfavorabIe reaction with the movie ia the IackIuater fIow of auch
becauae of ita Iengthineaa that produced aome Iouay effecta to me. 8ome acenea for me were
no Ionger reIevant and appropriate and are inviting no more. Perhapa, two houra ia too Iong
aIready for that kind of movie which ia aomehow predictabIe and pIain.
NevertheIeaa, I accIaim the movie for ita eaaence and the vaIuea inatiIIed to ita
watchera and may bring a Iife changing Ieaaona for ua. Moreover, I admired thoae acenea
which highIight the court deIiberationa and for me, it waa informative aa it providea me
ideaa about the activitiea in courta. It waa, indeed, a muat aee movie for aII agea.

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