True False Questions

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True/ False Questions: 1.

Osteocytes increase its activity in response to parathyroid hormone (PTH) when the Ca2+ level in blood dropped. 2. Bone has an organic compartment made of calcium phosphate. 3. The following is the stages in bone fracture healing process in order:

4. Canaliculli carry blood vessels along the long axis of a bone. 5. Schwann cell is responsible for myelin formation in the peripheral nervous system. 6. A neuron with many short dendrites and a single long axon is called a unipolar neurons. 7. Inferious rectus is one of the extrinsic muscles that is responsible for turning the eyeball inward (towards midline). 8. Taste buds are a type of chemoreceptor and respond to five primary taste sensations. 9. Human photoreceptor composed of two types of cells namely rods and cones cells. Rods cells allow us to detect the fine detail and the colour of an object. 10.The connected series of fluid filled cavities that are found throughout the brain are known as the subarachnoid spaces. Answers: 1. False 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. False 8. True

9. False 10.True

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