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8lll PlnLon

lnLro Lo uaLabases
ChapLer 1 8evlew CuesLlons
4) lL ls an assoclaLlon beLween enLlLles A oneLomany relaLlonshlp means LhaL a rep ls assoclaLed wlLh
many cusLomers whlle Lhe cusLomer ls only assoclaLed wlLh one rep
8) A u8MS ls a daLabase managemenL sysLem LhaL ls a program or a collecLlon of Lhem LhaL users
lnLeracL wlLh a daLabase
12) lL ls when daLa of varlous users are comblned and shared among oLher auLhorlzed users allowlng
Lhem Lo access a greaLer pool of daLa Cne form of daLa can be used for dlfferenL reasons dependlng on
who ls uslng lL
14) lL can ellmlnaLe redundancy LhaL saves space and wlll make updaLlng daLa much slmpler lnsLead of
havlng Lo change an address ln mulLlple places lL would only have Lo be changed ln one area
16) SecurlLy ls Lhe prevenLlon of unauLhorlzed access Lo a daLabase A u8MS can asslgn passwords LhaL
would auLhorlze users Lo galn access Lo Lhe daLa u8MS can also asslgn users Lo groups wlLh some only
belng able Lo vlew whlle oLhers can edlL daLa

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