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numan kesource Management (nkM nk) ls Lhe managemenL of an organlzaLlons employees

human resource managemenL ls someLlmes referred Lo as a sofL managemenL sklll effecLlve pracLlce
wlLhln an organlzaLlon requlres a sLraLeglc focus Lo ensure LhaL people resources can faclllLaLe Lhe
achlevemenL of organlzaLlonal goals LffecLlve human resource managemenL also conLalns an elemenL
of rlsk managemenL for an organlzaLlon whlch as a mlnlmum ensures leglslaLlve compllance
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to describe Iormal systems devised Ior
the management oI people within an organization. These human resources responsibilities are
generally divided into three major areas oI management: staIIing, employee compensation, and
deIining/designing work. Essentially, the purpose oI HRM is to maximize the productivity oI an
organization by optimizing the eIIectiveness oI its employees. This mandate is unlikely to
change in any Iundamental way, despite the ever-increasing pace oI change in the business
world. As Edward L. Gubman observed in the Journal of Business Strategy, "the basic mission
oI human resources will always be to acquire, develop, and retain talent; align the workIorce
with the business; and be an excellent contributor to the business. Those three challenges will
never change."

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