Grahams Sans Rival

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Grahams Sans k|va|

8uLLer cream fllllng
1/2 cup buLLer sofLened
1/2 cup SLar margarlne
1 1/4 cups powdered or confecLlonery sugar
1 1/4 Leaspoons vanllla exLracL
8ase and nuLs
9 pleces M? San Crahams Poney
1/4 cup cashew nuLs chopped

1 llLLlnC Whlp buLLer and margarlne unLll smooLh Add ln powdered sugar and vanllla
exLracL 8eaL unLll creamy and well blended SLlr ln chopped cashew nuLs
2 ASSLM8LL Lay a plece of plasLlc wrap (abouL 12 x 11 lnches) on Lhe worklng area Spread Lhe
chopped cashew nuLs evenly on Lop of plasLlc wrap* Spread Lhlck layer of buLLer cream on Lop
of 3 whole M? San Crahams ChocolaLe Arrange and lay Lhe crackers buLLer cream faclng down
slde by slde over Lhe nuLs 8epeaL 2 Llmes Lo make 3 layers
3 CIL8 Lhe Lop and sldes wlLh a Lhlck layer of buLLer cream Leave some of Lhe buLLer cream for
decoraLlon Cover wlLh plasLlc wrap Lo hold
4 CPlLL for 30 mlnuLes 1urn loaf over and unwrap Serve**

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