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LAC8L u88An l8Cn1 8LuLvLLCMLn1

Chennal clLy has been growlng ln a rapld pace for pasL 2 decade 1hls growLh has be noL be channellzed
and quleL random Along Lhe way loL of hlsLorlc bulldlng and places have been cramped up ln a way
Lhey wlll lose Lhelr slgnlflcance ln Lerms of urban characLer Cne such slgnlflcanL bulldlng ls Lhe Mylapore
kapaleeswarar Lemple 1he urban fronL of Lhls Lemple ls so cramped up all around wlLh commerclal
O My v|s|on for th|s temp|e |s re|ocat|on of |t commerc|a| front and creat|ng a s|gn|f|cant urban
front for the temp|e tank and temp|e
O 1he relocaLlon has Lo senslLlve and feaslble as lack of Lhls quallLy wlll surely become a fallure of
Lhls efforL
O 1he M81S sLaLlon ln lLs self ls belng uLlllzed compleLely by Lhe rallway deparLmenL and noL
feaslble Lo add more lnLo Lhe sLaLlon
O 1he M81S Llne by lLself has by lLself creaLed urban derellcL spaces ln chennal whlch can be used
for Lhls relocaLlon My proposa| |s to des|gn se|f suff|c|ent ods wh|ch can be attached be|ow
the Mk1S ||ne wh|ch can be used for th|s re|ocat|on 1hese pods wlll be locaLed ln Lhe rear slde
of Lhe sLaLlon accessed Lhrough Lhe roads on Lhelr slde of Lhe sLaLlon
O 1he negaLlve space around Lhe sLaLlon llke Lhe slum should noL be overlooked 1he maln reason
Lhey Lend Lo be negaLlve ls Lhe facL LhaL Lhere ls no vlsual and physlcal connecLlon beLween Lhe
2 sldes of Lhe sLaLlon My proposa| w||| be to |ncrease th|s v|sua| and phys|ca| connect|on
between the two s|des of the stat|on and create a character for th|s s|um urban front

Sllvlnus Cllsson MArch 1

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