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Z c M? San Crahams ChocolaLe crushed

3 Lbsp melLed buLLer

1 Z Lbsp allpurpose cream

x c allpurpose cream chllled

18 pcs Curly 1ops ChocolaLe


1 Mlx crushed grahams chocolaLe and melLed buLLer unLll well blended ress crumbs ln all sldes
of a small dlsh lreeze for 20 mlnuLes or unLll flrm

2 uL Curly 1ops ln a sLalnless sLeel bowl uL bowl over ln a saucepan fllled wlLh 2 lnches of waLer
PeaL over low flre unLll chocolaLe ls melLed

3 Spoon abouL 3 Lsp of melLed chocolaLe lnLo chllled crusL and spread Lo coaL Lhlnly Chlll

4 uL remalnlng melLed chocolaLe ln a bowl Add 1 Z Lbsp of allpurpose cream SeL aslde ln
anoLher bowl whlp chllled cream lold ln whlpped cream lnLo chocolaLe mlxLure Chlll

3 llll crusL wlLh mousse mlxLure Chlll before servlng

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