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Functions of Performance Appraisals

Performance feedback Employee training and development

Decision-making tool
Evaluation of training/policies/programs

Validation of selection process

2006, Educational Institute

Bias Errors

Severity Central tendency Recency Past anchoring

2006, Educational Institute


Three Types of Employee Ratings

Trait-based Behavior-based Results-based

2006, Educational Institute

Ranking Methods
Simple/straight ranking Alternative ranking Paired comparisons

2006, Educational Institute

Performance Appraisal Methods

Forced distribution

Graphic rating scale

Behaviorally anchored rating scales

2006, Educational Institute

Behavioral observation scale

Narrative essays Critical incidents Management by objectives

Evaluators of Performance

Peer evaluations
Staff evaluations of managers

Guest appraisals Multiple rater evaluation systems

2006, Educational Institute

Keys to an Effective Employee Appraisal System

Identify the functions the performance appraisal will serve Develop sound criteria for the system Identify the types of performance to measure

Choose the method of appraisal

Determine who will conduct appraisals and train them

Determine the frequency of performance appraisals

Make sure the system meets all legal requirements Periodically evaluate the appraisal process

2006, Educational Institute

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