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Thank God for three things as soon as you wake up!

You might want to write them down in a journal or draw pictures of them, too. Keep giving thanks to God throughout your whole day! November 20, 2011

Ask an adult to set a candle on the dinner table, then have the adult light the candle. When the candle is lit, invite each person to thank God for something or someone. Name it your familys Thank you, God candle and repeat this nightly

Practice your memory verse. You can find it in I Thessalonians 5:18.

Remember to pick up a colored bag outside of KiDS COR so you can fill a JOY BOX for a child. These boxes will bring JOY to kids in inner city Kansas City schools this Christmas season!

Remember to pick up a colored bag outside of KiDS COR so you can fill a JOY BOX for a child. These boxes will bring JOY to kids in inner city Kansas City schools this Christmas season!

Think back on your day. How often did you thank God? When could you have done better? Pray and ask God to help you have a grateful heart. You might think of a song that reminds you to be thankful more often. Thank God for being in your life.

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