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I|||p|no Ado|escent
ef|n|ng the Ado|escent
W Younq peop/e ore o/so referred
to os odo/escents teenoqers
ond youth 1he united Notions
wor/d neo/th Orqonitotion
{wnO) defines odo/escents os
o// individuo/s between the oqes
of 10 ond 19 within this oqe
ronqe the coteqory from 1014
yeors o/d is c/ossified os eor/y
odo/escence whi/e thot from 15
19 yeors o/d is c/ossified os /ote
A 1he Iam||y
W 1he fomi/y is seen os the mojor
socio/itinq oqent for the
W 4 content ono/ysis of 10 interviews
of odo/escents reveo/ed thot
themes revo/ved oround the fomi/y
is sti// considered centro/ to their
/ives 1he obsence the weokeninq
or breokdown of the nuc/eor
fomi/y structure is o mojor
contributory source of odo/escent
W 1he siqnificont increose in
proyer meetinq or bib/e
study porticipotion omonq
younq peop/e indicotes the
intensity of the youths
seorch for certointy ond
protection in o wor/d
where so mony institutions
hove broken foith
C Schoo|
W 1odoys youth c/oimed to enjoy
schoo/ o /ot but when seen
oqoinst their performonce ond
qrodes studyinq hod very /itt/e to
do with why they enjoyed it Over
twothirds soid they were
overoqe performers with possinq
qrodes os the objective 1hey
hord/y showed ony desire to do
better demonstrotinq /itt/e vo/ue
for exce//ence
W lemoles petfotmeJ
bettet lo scbool stoJleJ
looqet ooJ opplleJ
wotJs wltb octloos mote
tboo moles Jesplte tbe
foct tbot tbey boJ mote
tespooslbllltles ot bome
W 1he medio hos tru/y
become o surroqote
porent to the youth
providinq proqroms
to wotch music to
/isten to fovorite pop
ido/s ond reodinq
@AkL nC@L!
1he Mul4 hos the most
pervosive inf/uence on the
youthlt is throuqh moss thot
most respondents hove qotten
their sexuo/ informotion ond
hove experienced sexuo/
octivities such os phone sex
ond cybersex lt hos o/so been
ob/e to penetrote the homes
throuqh the vn5 vcu ond the
W AdolescenLs'
parLlclpaLlon ln
organlzaLlons has Lwo
ma[or funcLlons namely
as a soclallzlng agenL for
Lhe developmenL of self
ldenLlLy and values and
as a venue for soclal
W @he peer group reproduces
Lhe domlnanL adulL
culLure by provldlng
anLlclpaLory soclallzaLlon
Lo sLudenLs Lo learn Lhe
values of loyalLy LrusL
commlLmenL camaraderle
cooperaLlon and Lhe drlve
for excellence
W @hls of course ls noL Lo
downplay Lhe negaLlve
resulLs LhaL mlghL ensue from
peer assoclaLlon ad hablLs
such as smoklng Laklng
prohlblLed drugs drlnklng
alcohollc beverages and sex
relaLed experlences are
learned mosLly from Lhe peer
group (Lanuza 2000)
I Va|ues
W Moro/ vo/ues seemed
to hove deterioroted
ond socio/ occeptonce
rother thon princip/e
hod become the norm
for behovior
W {Mcconn rickson
W 5ex differences reqordinq core vo/ues
were opporent Mo/es vo/ued the
fomi/y re/iqion ond notion ond
oppeored to qive more importonce to
socio/ oworeness thon femo/es
lemo/es on the other hond vo/ued
fomi/y ottochment socio/ mobi/ity
friendships outonomy moro/
orientotion ond socio/ consciousness
{Mcconn rickson 199l)
oa|s reams and Asp|rat|ons
W Most of the time odo/escents
qoo/s dreoms ond ospirotions ore
focused on finishinq educotion
he/pinq their fomi/ies ond beinq
qoinfu//y emp/oyed {co 1990)
Obtoininq o deqree is viewed to be
hiqh/y importont in the competition
for jobs ond for the improvement of
ones quo/ity of /ife
W ln o study done on co//eqe
students courtship wos
defined os 1) o port of the
process in forminq o
romontic re/otionship 2) o
woy for two peop/e to qet
to know eoch other we// l)
o woy to express/show
offection for o person ond
4) o form of deception
W courtship moy /eod to o
re/otionship but not
necessori/y to o morrioqe
{8i//edo et o/ 1997) Physico/
intimocies {such os ho/dinq
honds huqqinq ond kissinq)
hoppen towords the /otter
port of to ofter the courtship
once the coup/e hos formo//y
committed themse/ves to o
W 4/thouqh teochers hove been
perceived to be the best
source of informotion
reqordinq sex odo/escents
preferred their peers 1hey did
not see virqinity ond pre
morito/ sex in obso/ute terms
onymore ond were open in
discussinq fomi/y p/onninq
ulu ?Cu knCW?!
W liftyseven percent of li/ipino
youth sow nothinq wronq with
mosturbotion shown to be
more common omonq mo/es
1hirtyeiqht percent thouqht it
"okoy" to hove homosexuo/
re/otionships 4ttitudes on
obortion remoined e/usive os
on/y o few studies hod been
done ot thot time
@A@'S ALL!
@hank ?ou
for LlS@LnlnC!
Mlcn4L lOnN L48O6

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