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Strateg|c a|||ances

Io|nt venture
SuccessfuI business strategy
is about activeIy shaping the
game you pIay,
not just pIaying the game you
IFCO_TOKIO Iives so weII with
this mantra
W lllCCŴ1oklo Ceneral lnsurance CoŦ LLdŦ (l1Cl)
ls a [olnL venLure beLween lllCC and 1he
1oklo Marlne and llre lnsurance CoŦ LLdţ
W lncorporaLed on 4Lh uecember 2000 and
wlLhln Lhls shorL span we have become a
leadlng lnsurance Company ln lndlaŦ
W lndlan larmers lerLlllzers CoŴoperaLlve LlmlLed (lllCC)
ls well known as a ploneer ln largeŴscale ferLlllzer
manufacLurlng and ls Lhe leadlng ferLlllzer producer ln
Lhe counLryŦ
W 1he 1oklo Marlne Ǝ llre lnsurance CoŦLLdŦ has over one
hundred and LwenLy years of experlence ln general
lnsurance buslness and ls Lhe largesL and oldesL general
lnsurance company of !apanŦ lL ls a member of Lhe
large and hlghly dlverslfled MlLsublshl group
comprlslng of over 1300 companlesŦ

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