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Why you should not listen to Abu Musab Wajdi Akkari.

__OneWayTo Paradise_________________________________

All Praise is due to Allaah, we praise Him, and seek His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allaah, the Most High, from the evils of our own selves and from our wicked deeds. Whomsoever has been guided by Allaah, none can misguide him, and whomsoever has been misguided by Allaah, none can guide him. I bear witness that there is no true god worthy of being worshipped except Allaah, Alone, without partner or associate. Also I bear witness that Muhammad is His true slave and Messenger.

This article is being written for the sole purpose of attempting to please Allaah by refuting those that are claiming to be upon this blessed manhaj of Salafiyyah. As some of us may or may not know that there is a tricky theif in salafi clothing on youtube by the name of Abu Musab Wajdi Akkari aka OneWayToParadise. By stealing people away from true salafiyyah and secretly calling them to his manhaj of what appears to be Ahle Hadith and Allaah knows

best. This supposed daee who resides in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia works for Jeddah Dawah Center. He is trying to pass himself off as a true salafi trying to spread this manhaj on youtube. Jeddah Dawah Centre has links to Yusuf Estess website and I personally have written to this brother in depth in the past when I was blinded to the fact he is not a true salafi. I am fearful of the damage he is causing on youtube due to the fact I have seen many people whom are actual salafis promoting his videos. I would only compare this so called daee to the Tablighi Jamaat. They at first seem pious and upright but they are anything but. They trick you with their sharp appearance and ability to speak well publicly. The following are the proofs that I can personally bring to clarify the actual position of Abu Musab Wajdi Akkari. May Allaah make this easy for myself and make it easy for the truth contained in this article to be spread amongst the people ameen. 1. The following is Abu Musabs response when I asked

him why the organization he works for has islamqa and Yusuf estes promoted in their links section.

Sure one may need to reach out to those not adhering to the sunnah but why promote people of biddah on your website? Should it not be the other way around if this was indeed your intention?

2. The following are actual mesages exchanged on youtube between Abu Musab and myself. This is Abu Musabs answer to when I asked a question regarding Jamiah Salafiah Banaras in India. I was unsure of if they were ok to study at still and wanted clarification.

His answer is not the issue but whom he himself said he asked.

Now I had never heard of Yasir Al Jabree before this message and still am not sure of whom he is fully due to I do not understand Urdu or Arabic

This link will help you see whom he is physically. v=p7G2rtwoj20&feature=related

What he looks like is not the issue. Yet in this next video link you will see Yasir Al Jabree sitting with Meraj Rabbani. Yes the video link is blurry but clear enough to see that it is indeed the same sheihk Abu Musab said he asked.

Now here is Meraj Rabbani sitting with Talib ur Rehman

Now Talib Ur Rehman giving a speech for IRC which is spreading Zakir Naik.

Lastly to prove IRC supports Zakir Naik

To some of you brothers and sisters this may seem as if I am fishing for faults of muslims and making connections where there are none. May I remind you brothers and sister you are who your companions are. If one person is known to befriend an organization that supports Zakir Naik than why would you even want to listen to that person? Why risk being dragged into their biddah? JazakumAllaahkhairun for your patience in reading this pdf and may Allaah make it easy for this information to be spread and realized ameen. Abu Suhayla Shaheed Griffin Al Amriki

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