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ADOPTION (Romans 8:15) - Having a new relationship with God...sonship. We are no longer
slaves, but the Master`s children with all rights, privileges and responsibilities oI a child in God`s

ATONEMENT - (Lev. 17:11, Romans 3:25, 2 Cor 5:18, 19) To make amends correct.
Hebrew word Ior atone means to cover. God sees us through Christ`s blood. The blood
represented the innocent liIe that was sacriIiced in place oI the guilty. Christ enabled man to be
at one with God again through His sacriIice...the reconciliation between God and man.

ELECTION (Romans 9:10 - 13) - God`s choice oI an individual or group Ior a speciIic purpose
or destiny.

1USTIFICATION (Romans 3:24, 4:25; 5:18) - God`s act oI declaring us 'not guilty Ior our
sins. To declare righteous.

PROPITIATION - (Romans 3:25) - Substitute - our sacriIice oI atonement. Christ died in our
place Ior our sins. God declares Christ`s death to be the appropriate, designated sacriIice Ior our
sin. Christ then stands in our place. He completely satisIies God`s requirement. God has
removed the punishment oI sin through the perIect sacriIice oI Jesus Christ.

REDEMPTION (Romans 3:24; Eph 1:7) - To buy back; to rescue Irom captivity by payment oI
a ransom. Jesus Christ has paid the price so we can go Iree. The price oI sin is death; Jesus paid
the price.

SANCTIFICATION (Romans 5:2; 15:16) - Set apart; make holy. Being more and more like
Jesus Christ through the work oI the Holy Spirit. We now stand in grace and are no longer
enemies, but are drawn close to himselI as children.

SAVED; SALVATION (Eph. 2:8-10), Eph 6:17, Col 3:9,10) - Delivered Irom sin and its
consequences. Putting on the new man.

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