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Healthy Me Objective: Understands the need for exercise and rest.

Materials: Books Computer Paper Glue Pictures Step 1. First, we talked about the different parts of the body and fuctions that each part had. Steo 2. Next, we labeled the parts on our doll and sat

down to create our own pictures. Step 3. Lastly, we made pictures of ourselves with drawings of what we "know" is inside of us. Step 4. We shared our pictures at Circle Time and talked about what we can do to ensure a healthy body. Great Grapes Objective: Manipulates play objects that have small parts. Materials: Paint

Smocks Paper Pen Step 1. As a group we sat down to discuss the characteristics of grapes. (i.e Colors, shapes, taste, and textures.) Step 2. After Ms. Amber put out the paint we were able to use our fingerprints as the grapes and make our GREAT GRAPES. We counted out loud as we painted. Step 3. Once we finished the grapes, we added a stem and leaves. In small groups we

identified if the grapes we made were in rows, columns, or clusters. Construction Designs By: Alec and Dylan Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes! Fun with Exercise Objectives: Deomonstrates individual responsibility during group physical activities. Participates in developmental activities related to physical fitness. Materials: Open Space (Circle Time Carpet)

Scarves Parachute Music Yoga Mat We began by participating in stretching exercises (which included breathing exercises) using creative imagery. These exercises focused on the individual muscle groups. The children then participated in movement games that encouraged large motor movements which enhance and promote coordination. Some games required the children to move alone,others in context with classmate's movements, and some in cooperative

unison with each other. Some of the exercises included rhythmic or musical cues. Our class enjoyed these activities because they were fun but they helped us learn about how to stay fit and live a healthy life. What is Inside of Me?

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