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tortilla soup Ingredients;

serves four

4 corn tortillas 1 tbsp vegetable oil, plus extra for frying 1 small onion, finelly chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 14oz can plum tomatoes,drained 4 cups chicken stock small bunch coriander salt and ground pepper method; 1-Using a sharp knife, cut each tortilla into four or five strips, each mesuring about 3/4inch wide. 2-Pour vegetable oil to a dept of 3/4 inch in a heavy based frying pan. Heat unt il a small peice of tortilla added to the oil floats to the top and bubbles at t he edges. 3-Add a few tortilla strips to the hot oil and fry for a few minutes until crisp and golden brown all over, turning them occasionally. Remove with a slotted spo on and drain in a double layer of kitchen paper. Cook the remaining tortilla str ips in the same way. 4-Heat the 1 tbsp vegetable oil in a large n and garlic and cook over a moderate heat with a wooden spatuala, until the onion is garlic turn brown or it will give the soup heavy based pan, add the chopped onio for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly soft and translucent. Do not let the a bitter taste.

5-Chop the tomatoes unsing a large sharp knife and add them to the onion mixture in the pan. Pour in the chicken stock and stir well. Bring to boil then lower t he heat and allow to simmer for about 10 minutes, until the liquid has reduced s lightly. 6-chop the corriander, add to the soup reserving a little to use as a garnish se ason to taste. 7- Place a few of the crisp tortillas peices in the bottom of four warmed soups bowls.Ladle the sounp on top. Sprinkle each portion with the reserved chopped co riander and serve.

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