Baby Dumping

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Baby Dumping

This article is about the growing incidence oI abandoned babies in our country. I got this
article Irom the website. The article entitled Putting a Stop to Baby Dumping written by Deborah
Loh. This article contains the ways to prevent Irom baby dumping problem.
When we watch the television or reading the newspaper, we oIten hear about the problem
oI abandoned babies. Through reading this news, we Ieel very sad, angry and Irustrated also.
There are several Iactors that lead the baby dumping. One oI the Iactor that leads to child
dumping is teenage pregnancy. The teenage pregnancy are deIined when the teenage or underage
girl becoming pregnant. This teenage pregnancy is happen when both partners are too entertain
their desires. However, they did not think the risk oI an impending. For example, the men say
kind words to the woman while the man just wanted to scratch her dignity alone. thereIore, she
volunteered only be taken on its own dignity. These things always happen between teens who
already know the term love each other even in school.
Next, is the Iamily break-up.

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