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Rana Islamiah Zahroh

ProIessor Keera Smith
Critical Thinking in English
4 November 2011
Love is an awkward thing that in the extreme stage you can even kill yourselI or even Ieel really
happy. Love is something about Ieeling, about when you look other and you Ieel something in
your heart jumps Iaster than usual. Love is a big boom that can change you or even make you try
to change. Love is super kick that make you do the Ireakiest thing in the world. Love is the
tremendous thing that made Shah Jahan built Taj Mahal Ior Mumtaj, the strangest thing that
make Antonius and Cleopatra killed their selves, and the most impressive thing that made
Odysseus waited about twenty year Ior his wiIe, Penelope. Like one title oI the movie, love is a
crazy little thing. Love is something that we always have in every age, Irom the beginning when
we come to this world until we Iind to be married later. Love is not about passion, hormone, or
sex. Love is not about Iantasy. Love is not about perIection to be perIect. Love is not about
received but give. Love is not about a can oI bottle that we can easily throw, Love is something
that we always have and we will always Iind. Finally love is a simple word that can make you
have a complication Ieeling.

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