0 Cover Integrated Report - With Logos

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October 2011

An AssessmenL of Lhe PealLh SlLuaLlon of Lhe urban oor ln 8arangays

CaLmon Longos and 1onsuya Malabon ClLy

hlllpplne nCC SupporL rogram lnc (PAnSu)
Samahang Mamamayan Zone Cne 1ondo CrganlzaLlon (SMZC1C)

CcLober 2011

(1hls sLudy was conducLed as parL of Lhe 8eachlng Lhe urban oor ro[ecL of Lhe ClLy
CovernmenL of Malabon funded by Lhe World PealLh CrganlzaLlon and wlLh Lechnlcal
asslsLance from Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh)

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