Microsoft Word - A Question Regarding Adultery Committed by A Muslim Reside

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A Question regarding adultery committed by a Muslim resident of Dar-ul-Kufr

A Question regarding adultery committed by

a Muslim resident of Dar-ul-Kufr

Translated by
Aboo ‘Imraan al-Mekseekee

On behalf of some of the brothers from Mexico City I sent our brother
'Abdullah MacPhee (may Allah reward him), a series of questions from
them regarding various topics. This is the third question we posed (It is
labeled as question number two in accordance to the way I typed them in
Arabic and sent them to ‘Abdullah):

The Second Question: We heard a Muslim man here saying, “If a Mexican
Muslim here were to commit adultery then it is mandatory on him to
travel to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to have the Islamic punishment
placed on him.” Is this statement correct?

Ash-Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan al-‘Adanee-may Allah Most High protect

him-responded by saying:

This statement is incorrect, what is preferable is that he conceals this sin

with the Veil of Allah and repents to Allah-Mighty & Majestic. The
Prophet-may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him-would avert

A Question regarding adultery committed by a Muslim resident of Dar-ul-Kufr

himself from the one who would come confessing so in this is an

evidence that it is better to conceal the sin with the Veil of Allah1.

Narrated Ibn ‘Umar-may Allah be pleased with him-Allah’s messenger-may the peace &
blessings of Allah be upon him-said: “Abstain from the filthy things that Allah Most High has
forbidden. So if someone commits anyone of them he should conceal himself with Allah’s Veil
and turn to Him in repentance, for if anyone discloses his hidden faults (to which prescribed
penalties apply) we shall inflict on him the punishment ordained by Allah Most High.” Related
by al-Haakim and it is found in al-Muwatta of Imaam Maalik from the Mursal narrations of
Zayd bin Aslam and found in Bulugh al-Maraam number 1048 in the Book of Hudood under the
chapter The Prescribed Punishment for the Adulterer.

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