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"Arab East Jerusalem" - The Peace FAQ

"Arab East Jerusalem"

Frequently Asked Questions:

● Is the term 'Arab East Jerusalem' or even 'East Jerusalem' accurate?

● Shouldn't we use the term simply because it reflects the situation 'on
the ground'?

Is the term 'Arab East Jerusalem' or even 'East Jerusalem'


● "East Jerusalem refers only to the part of the city which was taken
forcibly for 19 years (1948-67) by Jordan. try and identify that
part of Jerusalem which is East of the Green Line as "Arab" is to
ignore all the hundreds and thousands of years of history before and
after the period of 1948-1967."

- Itay Sharon

Shouldn't we use the term simply because it reflects the situation

'on the ground'?

● No, besides being inacurate, it is an anti-zionist propaganda term

meant to obscure the inconvenient fact that Jews have been a
majority in Jerusalem, all of Jerusalem, since at least 1840 when the
first Ottoman census was taken [Jews were a plurality at that time].
In 1948, after the UN voted to give Israel statehood, Jordan and 6
other Arab countries invaded the reborn Jewish homeland. Jordan
was able to capture what is now known as the "West Bank", including
the easern half of Jerusalem and murdered or expelled EVERY single
Jew living there. Those Jewish homes were given to Jordanians, who
only much later started calling themselves "Palestinians" for political
reasons. The term "Arab East Jerusalem" is nothing more than a (1 of 2)8/9/2007 10:15:46 AM

"Arab East Jerusalem" - The Peace FAQ

celebration of the "ethnic cleansing" of Jews. The term is therefore

offensive and meant to offend. Use it at your own risk. (2 of 2)8/9/2007 10:15:46 AM

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