The Ranges of Frequency For Each Region of The Electromagnetic Spectrum Are As Follows

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1he ranges of frequency for each reg|on of the e|ectromagnet|c spectrum are as

1-Gamma rays 01 nm
2-kkays 01 to 10 nm
3-U|trav|o|et 100 to 400 nm
4-V|s|b|e 440 to 760 nm
S-Near|nfrared 700 to 1400 nm
6-M|d|nfrared 1400 to 20000 nm
7-Iar|nfrared 20000 to 100000 nm
8-M|crowaves 100000 nm

Sk|n type
c|ass|f|ed accord|ng to I|tzpatr|ck as fo||ows
I Never tans a|ways burns (often red ha|r freck|es and b|ue eyes)
II Usua||y tans a|ways burns
III A|ways tans somet|mes burns (usua||y dark ha|r and brown eyes)
IV A|ways tans rare|y burns (o||ve sk|n)
V A|ways tans very rare|y burns w|th extreme sun exposure (brown sk|n eg
VI Never burns a|ways tans dark|y (Very dark sk|n eg AfroCar|bbean)

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