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Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Topic 4: Micro and Macro Teaching

What Is Micro teaching? Do you know that micro teaching originated in Stanford University, United States in 1963? Robert Bush and D. Wight Allen first introduced micro teaching as an organized practice. Microteaching is a method that enables teacher trainees to practice a skill or combination of skills by teaching short lessons to a small number of students, or a group of peers. Usually, a micro-lesson of between 20 to 30 minutes is taught to eight to ten students or peers. This would provide an opportunity for you to practice teaching theory or a specific technique. You could practices teaching theory or technique in a controlled situation whereby you play the role as a teacher and your peer teacher trainees play the roles of students and at the same time observing and evaluating you. Wragg (1999) in his book says that the argument in favour of the technique is that it enables a teacher to develop his repertoire of professional skills in an atmosphere congenial to learning, away from the hurly-burly of normal classroom life, and that, especially for the novice, this relatively safe environment is essential for effective learning to take place. Having read what Wragg has to say about micro teaching, do you agree that it is an effective technique of ensuring that the student teacher learns and develops his set of teaching skills in a conducive learning environment away from that of the classroom? Allen and Ryan (1969) suggest the following as the main propositions of micro teaching:

1. Micro teaching is real teaching although the teaching situation is a

constructed one where lecturer and learner work together in a practice situation

2. Micro teaching lessens the complexities of normal classroom teaching where

class size, scope of content, and time are all reduced.

3. Micro teaching focuses on training for the accomplishment of specific tasks,

such as an instructional skills, techniques of teaching and mastery of curricular materials or demonstration of teaching methods

4. Micro teaching allows for the increased control of practice where time,
number of students, methods of feedback and supervision, and other factors can be manipulated 5. Micro teaching greatly expands the normal knowledge-of-results or feedback dimension in teaching. Through the use of appraisal forms designed to elicit reactions to specific aspects of teaching, and video tape playbacks, the learner knows how he has performed and then tries to think of ways to improve.


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

The Micro Teaching Process The original micro teaching cycle developed at Stanford in the early 1960s consisted of the sequences Plan Teach Observe (Critique) Replan - Reteach Reobserve (Allen and Ryan, 1987). Each cycle was devoted to the practice of one component skill such as set induction and closure (the beginning and ending of lesson segments), effective questioning, student reinforcement and student participation. Lectures and skill demonstrations were given to the students prior to the practice of the skill. The micro teaching process investigated in this unit consists of: discussion and planning, implementation (teaching), reflective evaluation (criticism), replanning and reteaching. Figure 4.1 illustrates the Micro teaching Process.

Plan State the objective and teach

Observers opinion

Re-teach Re-plan

Observers criticism

The Micro teaching process

Figure 4.1 The Micro teaching Process As a trainee, you are advised to begin each micro teaching session with the statement of the objectives of the lesson you want to teach. This will then be followed by the presentation of the matter in an organized, sequential manner. You should bear in mind the appropriate speed of presentation, use of illustrations and examples. If you can throw in a few suitable jokes and humour as and when necessary. However, try not to overdo it. At the end of the lesson, you are encouraged to summarize the topic taught and also to obtain student feedback. Why? In order to have a brief idea of your students understanding and comprehension of the concepts and content taught. During presentation, you should also try to use adequate and appropriate audio-visual aids. Also try to ensure that your students take an active part throughout your lesson. What do you think of the micro teaching process? Sounds systematic, doesnt it? Try a few micro teaching sessions and you will be definitely impressed by its utility in improving your teaching skills. Micro teaching Skills And Evaluation

Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

You should realize that special concern of microteaching is the skills used by you in face-to-face classroom contact. They are behaviours that are rather specific, definable, observable, quantifiable and known related to students learning. The various teaching skills emphasized in micro teaching and evaluation include the following: Set Induction Questioning techniques Discussion of experimental results Stimulus variations Reinforcement Explanation Use of resource materials, aids, examples, illustrations Closure

In the following section, we will examine each of the eight teaching skills listed above as well as provide a sample appraisal guide for each of these skills. Set induction Let us now examine the first micro teaching skill, which is set induction. I am sure you are familiar with the term set induction. Many times, you must have exhausted all avenues trying to think of an interesting and stimulating set induction to begin your lesson. Havent you? What is set induction, anyway? As the name suggests, it is a skill concerned with methods of preparing your students for a lesson: that is, pre-instructional orientation. It actually introduces a lesson, or a new topic within a lesson in a way, which will interest your students in what is to follow and help to establish what they already know and link this to what is to follow. What are some of the methods you have tried in the classroom? Try to recall, and then jot them down on a piece of paper. You could control your voice, gesture and eye contact to gain students attention. You could also use audio-visual aids or changing the pattern of teacher and student interaction.


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Guidelines for preparing induction set In order to attain the purpose of induction set, it is necessary for you to understand and bear in mind a few principles below. The induction set activity should be Suited according to students experience, ability and age Related to the content Related to students prior knowledge Interesting and able to sustain the students attention a) Presented within the time limit and achieved its objective b) Meaningful to the students in terms of their ability, previous knowledge, and interest Objective of using induction set To attract students attention to what is taught; To construct students flow of thought To motivate the students To relate the students prior knowledge and experience with the new knowledge To give suggestions on how to carry out activities, tasks or project To inform the students on the scope of the task given To make the lesson meaningful


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Table 4.2 Set Induction Appraisal Guide

Components Of Set Induction Attention Gaining 1. Use of voice to focus interest 2. Use of audio-visual aids 3. Use of gestures and eye contact 4. Introducing something unusual Motivation stimulation 1. To arouse curiosity (use of analogy) 2. Use of story telling technique 3. Involve students in their tasks 4. Ask provocative questions Cognitive Link 1. Relate to past experience 2. Relate to new experience 3. Relate to current events 4. Relate to students interest and experience Structure Provision 1. Stating the limits of the task 2. Using a series of questions 3. Stating ways to accomplish task 4. Stating activity, task or project Please ( ) at the relevant column . Yes No

Ask a colleague to evaluate your set induction skills using the appraisal guide for set induction. Discuss ways to improve these skills.

Questioning Techniques Another micro teaching skill is questioning. Questioning is one of the most often used teaching techniques according to Kim and Kellough (1987). According to Callahan and Clarke (1988), the use of questions is one of the most important of all teaching techniques. First of all, what is questioning? It is concerned with the ability to ask low-level and high-level questions. This skill also includes the ability to ask various kinds of follow-up questions. Follow-up questions include: follow-up prompts (modifying a question that is too difficult for your students to answer), follow-up probes (asking your students to clarify or elaborate an answer which is vague), and follow up redirections (redirecting your students response to other students or the class in general for comment and discussion).


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Construction of question The level of the questions should be suited according to students age, ability and experience; The teacher should plan and prepare different types of questions before the teaching takes place; The words used in the questions should be simple and easily understood by the students; Use different types o questions to arouse students interest; Questions used should be able to promote thought Questions should be clear, precise and brief

Objective of questioning To arouse interest and curiosity To focus attention on an issue To stimulate learners to ask questions To diagnose specific learning difficulties To encourage reflection and self-evaluation To promote thought and the understanding of ideas To review content already learned To help recall specific information To reinforce recently learned material To teach via student answers To probe deeper after an answer is given

You have already been learning about this in Unit 1-3. So why dont you get that unit to refresh your memory. As you read the section on questioning above, try and identify some of the errors that you, as a teacher, commonly commit. Suggest some ways you can enhance your questioning techniques.

Table 4.3 below provides the questioning techniques appraisal guide, which I hope you will find useful. Look through it and give your comments.


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Table 4.3 Questioning Technique Appraisal Guide

Questioning techniques Number of questions 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 2 3 4 5 12 13 14 15 Framing of questions Clear and coherent Focus on one idea Pausing Prompting Refocusing Redirecting Handling of incorrect responses Distributing of questions among the class Levels Of Cognitive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Questions Recall Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Please () at the relevant column based on the characteristics of each question asked.

From the table, you will notice that the questioning technique encompasses the cognitive levels of questions asked, commonly known as Blooms Taxonomy. Refresh you memory about how, when and on whom to use each of the six levels of questions mentioned above. The way a student is expected to respond to questioning is determined by the levels at which the questions are worded: recall, comprehension, analysis, synthesis, or evaluation. But the success of the student in answering the question is more often determined by the teacher's questioning techniques.


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Discussion of experiment results After the students have carried out the experiment and collected all the data needed to prove their hypothesis, it is necessary for them to process the data into meaningful information, discuss the experimental results and reaching conclusion. Discussion of experimental results is an activity carried out by the students and guided by you. In this way you and your students can interact, discuss and shared information about the data. If it is carried in a proper manner, the teaching and learning process will be more effective and interesting. It involves two procedures: (a) Data processing Making calculation based on the data collected Representing the data in various format such as tables, charts and graph Interpreting graphs and charts Identifying the pattern of the data and its relationship Classifying the data (b) Information reporting techniques Interpreting the relationship among the results, hypothesis and prediction Explaining the results Making the report orally or in writing Suggestion on ways to improve or improvise the experiment or to conduct further experiments

Experimental results discussion involves a lot of high level thinking skills as follows: Calculation Data interpretation (analyzing and explaining the pattern and differences in the data) Recording data in various format Predicting the shape of the graph Relating the parameters and suggesting a formula that relates the parameters Deciding whether the experimental results conforms to the theory/hypothesis and stating why it is so Identify any problems that may arise during the experiment Looking for other alternatives to achieve better results or to conduct further experiment


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Making final conclusion Reporting the results and the discussion of the outcome of the experiment

What is the role of the teacher during the discussion of experimental results? Acts as a facilitator Make sure the students take part actively in the discussion Provide appropriate responds, correct students mistakes, and dont forget the reinforcement Students must be informed of any rules and regulation regarding the discussion Supervise the activities so that it runs smoothly Summarize ideas Show attention and appreciation for every idea and opinion given by any student

Stimulus variation The third micro teaching skill we will learn is stimulus variation. As the name suggests, stimulus variation is concerned with the ability to introduce variety into lesson so that your students will be attentive, interested and thus learn better. Why do we train you, the learner, in the skills of stimulus variation? It is to help you to avoid teaching styles which are likely to induce boredom in your students. Some of the things you will learn are the use of movement in a systematic way and the avoidance of teaching from one spot, the use of gestures, the development of verbal and non-verbal methods of focusing students attention, change in speed pattern, change of sensory focus, student talk, and student movement.


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Study the Stimulus Variation Guide in Table 4.4 below. Ask your colleague to observe how many times you use each of the components for duration of 30 seconds during a lesson. Discuss how you can improve your skills in this aspect.

Table 4.4 Stimulus Variation Appraisal Guide ( at the relevant column)

30 seconds for each column 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Components Teacher movement Eye contact and movement Teacher voice Teacher-group interaction Teacher-pupil-teacher interaction Pupil-pupil interaction Teacher-object interaction Pupil-object interaction Pupil verbal and physical activity



Skill of reinforcement Reinforcement is one of the most widely known principles of successful learning. This skill can modify or change student behaviour in a number of positive ways. Training in the skills of reinforcement involves the development of discriminating methods of rewarding and encouraging your students efforts and of avoiding the often unconscious punishing comments on a students work. How is the use reinforcement seen in the classroom? Educational psychologists suggest a number of ways, such as when the teacher gives a smile, when she praises good answer, when she encourage a slow learner or when she writes Well done on a piece of work. What is the objective of using reinforcement? If you can recollect, reinforcement can help to increase your students attention and also maintain a high level of motivation. Besides, it also helps in promoting your students self-concept and, consequently help to give them confidence.


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Can you think of some of the components of reinforcement skills? The following are some suggestions: Positive verbal reinforcement - the use of such words as good, yes, Thats right; Positive non verbal reinforcement - a smile, nodding of head, clapping hands; Proximity - moving nearer or standing next to, sitting near the students, etc; Contact - patting the students head, shaking hands; Negative verbal reinforcement - No, wrong, Nonsense; Negative non- verbal reinforcement - shaking the head, frowning, etc.

Give two scenarios in your science classroom that requires the skill of reinforcement from you as an effective teacher.

Using Table 4.5(with the help of your collogues) you could use to improve your skills of reinforcement. Table 4.5 Skill of Reinforcement Appraisal Guide ( at the relevant column)
Components Positive verbal reinforcement Positive non verbal reinforcement Proximity Contact Negative verbal reinforcement Negative non verbal cues Yes No

Explanation Skills, Use Of Teaching and Learning Aids Based on your experience in the classroom you may have understand the importance of mastering the skill associated with using relevant and interesting examples to illustrate a point, besides selecting appropriate teaching aids.

What other aspects does this sixth micro teaching skill cover? .

It also deals with suitable organization of content; implementation at appropriate stages; stressing of important points by repetition; use of voice; gesture, obtaining pupil participation and feedback. Quite a wide scope, isnt it?


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Do you know there are three main forms of explanation? Interpretative Descriptive Reason-giving This specifies the central meaning of a term or statement, or clarifies an issue. For example, density is the relationship between mass and volume of an object Describe processes, structures and procedures; clarify further an idea by describing it. For example, the steps to carry out dissection are as follows . Mostly suitable for an explanation that uses the logical processes to answer the question on how and why something happens. For example, Why does ice float in water?

Components and criteria Level of initiation Quality of voice variation in pitch, tone and volume Emphasizing key points Suitable gesture and movement Simple and concise



Use of illustration/ examples/audio-visual aids Relevant Clear and interesting Variety Sufficient

Arrangement of ideas Orderly elaboration of ideas Use of non verbal cues e.g. gestures and verbal expressions)

Conclusion Key points are clearly stated (oral/written) Key points orderly arranged. Clear and concise Please ( ) at the relevant column.

Basically, Table 4.6 illustrates the four main aspects, namely, level of initiation, the use of illustration/ examples/audio-visual aids, arrangement of ideas, and conclusion. Look through the list and check which the ones you normally use are. Explore the possibility of trying out the ones you do not normally use in your classroom the next time you teach.


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Closure This micro teaching skill, closure, is the obverse of set induction. It involves training in different methods of concluding a lesson with you, the learner, taking steps to ensure that your students have understood and are able to see the connections with what has been learnt. It is also seen as the rounding off a lesson or topic so as to reinforce your students interest in it and also helps to recapitulate what has been learnt. Do you know that there are two important types of closure? They are known as cognitive and social. What is the difference between the two? Cognitive closure is directed at consolidating what your students have learnt and focusing their attention on the major points covered in the lesson or lesson segment. Whereas in social closure, you are more concerned with giving your students a sense of achievement so that, despite any difficulties they encountered within the lesson, they are encouraged to continue striving. Usually, the social closure is used at the end of a lesson (Table 4.7). How often do you use these two types of closure? Which of the two do you usually use?
Table 4.7 Closure Appraisal Guide Component and criteria Cognitive link Make a summary Repetition of key points Correcting assignment Suggestion of further activity Reinforcement exercise Yes No

Social Link Create a sense of achievement Positive reinforcement

Please () at the relevant column.

Implementation of micro teaching in teaching and learning The lesson plan format for micro teaching is generally similar to that of lesson plan for classroom teaching and learning, with the exception that micro teaching only focuses on one teaching skill. What is Macro teaching? Macro teaching is a teaching simulation on a complete lesson in a normal class. The simulation can be carried out in classroom, laboratory or preview room. Macro teaching is the integration of micro teaching techniques. The teacher trainee practices teaching theory or technique in a controlled situation whereby one or two teacher trainees play the role as a teacher and the peer teacher trainees play the roles of students and at the same time observing and evaluating the teacher. Great

Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

effort should be taken to integrate all the knowledge and experience learned in planning the teaching and learning in classroom. Teaching is an experience that needs to be practiced since practice makes perfect. Macro teaching skills Good planning can be transformed into teaching action in classroom. Every trainee teacher must have earlier picture or scenario of the real situation of a classroom in school. It is important to practice laboratory/practical work in macro teaching to prepare the trainee teachers as smart school teachers in the new millennium. The evaluation form for macro teaching as shown in Table 4.1, can be carried out in any of the following ways: All the trainee teachers will watch the videos recorded to evaluate and discuss the weak and strong points of the subject and teaching. If the teaching is not recorded, three trainee teachers act as evaluators to evaluate the practical class carried out.


Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Trainees name: ___________________ Subject Topic :____________________ :____________________

Date Time

:___________________ :___________________

Table 4.1: Macro teaching Evaluation Form No. 1. Criteria and Teaching Phase Orientation 1. Is the topic clearly introduced? 2. Does it arouse the students interest? 3. Does it promote thinking skills? Eliciting ideas 1. What is the technique used? 2. Are the techniques used successful? Restructuring of Ideas 1. Are the activities interesting? 2. Are the students thinking? 3. Is the learning experience meaningful? Why? 4. Is the class control effective? Application of Ideas 1. What sort of problem is given? 2. Is the students idea applicable? Reflection 1. Do the questions promote reflective thinking? 2. Are the students motivated ? Overall 1. Was the lesson successful? 2. Why? Evaluators signature: Lecturers signature .. Comment and Reason





Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning

Using a suitable graphic organizer, compare and contrast between macro teaching and micro teaching.

Teaching Experience Assignment The lesson plan is a basic document that describes what is to be done, how it is to be done and what the expected outcomes of the experience will be.


Choose a suitable topic from different areas in the Primary Science Curriculum. Referring to the three lesson plans given, prepare three 60-minute lessons using the three approaches. After completing your lesson plans, have your lesson plans evaluated by at least one of your experienced senior science teacher. Implement all your amended lesson plans in your normal teaching. You are required to have your experienced senior science teacher observe and comment one of your teaching sessions. After your teaching, have a discussion with your experienced science teacher. Reflect on your teaching and write a report on your reflection and submit it to your lecturer. Which of the approaches do you think are more manageable?

2. 3.



Module 2: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 4: Planning Instruction and Evaluating Teaching and Students Learning


Allen & Ryan in Brown, G. (1987). Micro teaching: A program of teaching skills. London: Methuen. Cohen, L.,Manion,L.(1977). To all student teachers on teaching practice .London : Methuen. Darling-Hammond, L.(1991). Teachers and Teaching: Signs of a changing profession. In The Handbook of research on teacher education. Houston(ed.) New York: Macmillan Day,C. (1999). Developing Teachers: The Challenges of Lifelong Learning. London: Falmer Press. Hoyle, E. & John, P. (1995). Professional Knowledge and professional practice. London: Cassel Jacobsen, D., Eggen, P. & Kaucahak, D. (1993). Methods for teaching. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. Lieberman, M. (1995). Education as a profession. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Ryan, K. & Cooper, J. M. (1998). Those Who Can Teach. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Wragg, E. C. (1999). An introduction to classroom observation. London: Routledge.


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