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Measur|ng 1apes Cf Vary|ng Lengths

1he measurlng Lapes come ln varlous lengLhs ranglng from smaller dlsLance Lapes Lo larger dlsLance Lapes Smaller
Lapes are used ln long [ump hlgh [ump eLc whlle longer Lapes are used ln hammer Lhrow [avelln eLc uependlng
upon Lhe evenLs or game ln whlch lL ls Lo be used lL ls of dlfferenL lengLhs llke
O m
O m
O m
O m
O m
O m

1ypes Cf Measur|ng 1apes
uependlng on Lhe maLerlal used ln Lhese Lapes baslcally Lwo Lypes are mosLly used
O SLeel measurlng Lape
O lberglass measurlng Lape
tee| Measur|ng 1apes
O SLeel Lapes used for measurlng records have open reel ln frame
O L shows boLh Lngllsh and MeLrlc measuremenLs
O ero ls aL meLal end for qulck easy measuremenL
O SLeel do noL sLreLch ouL as a flberglass Lape may so glves very accuraLe measuremenL
|berg|ass Measur|ng 1apes
O lberglass measurlng Lapes are more flexlble and long lasLlng
O 1hey are very Lough and possess hlgh Lenslle sLrengLh
O 1hey donL break when LwlsLed or sLepped on and wlll noL shrlnk rusL or mlldew
O 1he Lapes are usually Lwoslded wlLh Lngllsh scale on one slde and MeLrlc on Lhe oLher
O L has a meLal or plasLlc case and may come wlLh or wlLhouL handle
O 1hese Lapes are usually vlnylcoaLed

pec|a|ty Measur|ng 1apes and Dev|ces

keson ocket 1ape
1hls compacL closed houslng measurlng Lape flLs ln a pockeL or on a belL 1he large leLLerlng
ls perfecL for phoLographs LhaL requlre scale deal for law enforcemenL and lnsurance

o|d|ng 1apes
1hese measurlng Lapes are made of a hard maLerlal such as wood or flberglass whlch fold
closed ln a zlgzag paLLern L does noL have houslng L lles flaL on work surfaces and wlll
hold up well under exLreme weaLher deal for englneers plumbers masons and

Depth Gauges
ueslgned Lo measure selsmographs a welghL can be aLLached Lo Lhe end of Lhe gauge and
lowered Lo Lhe polnL you need Lo measure ueslgn for easy depLh ldenLlflcaLlon Lhls gauge
feaLures marklngs on boLh sldes and a handle aL Lhe end for pulllng LauL

urveyors kope
Makes an ldeal drag chaln for rough surveylng measuremenLs numbers are graduaLed
from Lhe sLrap handle upward Lo Lhe end of Lhe rope Also feaLures a handle for pulllng
rope LauL

Closed houslng measurlng Lapes are ldeal for lndoor use L ls compacL and you do noL have Lo worry abouL debrls
A closed houslng keeps Lhe Lape proLecLed when noL ln use MosL feaLure a belL cllp and a lock so you do noL have
Lo worry abouL Lhe blade reLracLlng durlng use Some even feaLure rubber grlps for exLra comforL f you need
heavy duLy houslng a meLal houslng ls much sLurdler Lhan plasLlc

1a||or Measur|ng 1ape
O 1allor measurlng Lapes measure secLlons of garmenLs or Lhe body and are used by seamsLresses and Lallors 1hls
Lype of measurlng Lape ls flexlble Lo accommodaLe Lhe numerous curves of a body A Lallor measurlng Lape
Lyplcally has meLal fasLenlngs aL boLh ends of Lhe devlce and comes ln numerous colors AddlLlonally lL works well
ln flLness medlcal and apparel lndusLrles
tee| Measur|ng 1ape
O A plasLlc or meLal coverlng usually houses a sLeel measurlng Lape 1hls Lype of Lape measure lasLs longer Lhan
oLher Lypes of measurlng Lape SLeel measurlng Lapes reslsL mlldew and rusL AddlLlonally Lhe measurlng Lape wlll
noL break regardless lf you LwlsL or sLep on Lhe measurlng Lape usually Lhe houslng can lock Lhe Lape ln place so lL
does noL move when measurlng
D|ameter C|rcumference Measur|ng 1ape
O A dlameLerclrcumference measurlng Lape also referred Lo a uC1 measures Lhe perlmeLer of a Lube Lree plpe
and oLher clrcular ob[ecLs ManufacLures Lyplcally make Lhe uC1 measurlng Lape from flexlble durable sLeel
|berg|ass Measur|ng 1ape
O ManufacLurers make some measurlng Lapes from flberglass 1hls Lype of measurlng Lape holds up Lo wear and
Lear Some are avallable ln plasLlc or meLal houslng whlle oLher measurlng Lapes have a doublerlveLed houslng
Measur|ng 1ape Length
O ome lmprovemenL sLores carry a varleLy of measurlng Lapes ln dlfferenL deslgns and lengLhs Some measurlng
Lapes are sulLable for Laklng measuremenLs ln small areas whlle oLher measurlng Lapes are sulLable for large
spaces 1he mosL common measurlng Lape spans lnches owever larger slzes are avallable

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