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Can'L send from my phone for some reason so here's my noLes

alse awareness of soclal medla wlLh oLher members of sLaff

eep Lone of volce
lways remember whaL do people wanL Lo see?
nslder quesLlons ask quesLlons share phoLos reply Lo people respond Lo key evenLs
ldenLlfy lnfluences
JhaL you measure depends on whaL you wanL Lo achleve
Dse common sense and don'L be sLupld
on'L [usL browse waLch reacL 1P- 1hlnk and acLually produce
#,aklng ldeas happen' by ScoLL 8elsky
Comblne your onllne and offllne markeLlng efforLs
on'L reply on soclal medla
emember LhaL lL ls your cusLomer LhaL ls Lhe lmporLanL one noL you
JhaL are you dolng wlLh Lhe sLuff you produce?
1ouch/move someone push Lhelr emoLlonal buLLons
sLory wlll make you memorable
Compel people Lo share sLuff
1 8e uLhenLlc
2 lsrupL people (unseLLle Lhelr ldea of your brand)
3 Challenge (don'L always glve people a low barrler enLrance make Lhem prove Lhey
deserve Lo use your producL Check ouL ark nlghL gamers on ?ou1ube
hLLp//wwwyouLubecom/waLch?vvpuC7PhCJ) Challenge people and Lhey'll Lalk abouL
eople wanL Lo share Lhelr own creaLlve achlevemenLs Lhey don'L wanL Lo lnLeracL wlLh
yours Pelp Lhem be creaLlve
ead ,arLln vanguard #naLomy of 1rend'
on'L push your message [usL do sLuff LhaL make people wanL Lo Lalk abouL you
L's noL abouL Lhe Lools we use lL's abouL maklng connecLlons wlLh people and maklng Lhose
soclal Lools worLh lL
1alk less do more

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