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Cood Mornlng am l speaklng Lo rospecLs name

Pello MrrospecLs name Lhls ls Ceorge calllng on behalf of SA

1hls call ls regards Lo a buslness consulLlng
CcLopus SysLems ls buslness consulLlng flrm headquarLered Mumbal and provldlng
O nd Lo end enLerprlse wlde appllcaLlons lmplemenLaLlon lnLegraLlon and supporL servlces
O loud compuLlng / web hosLlng servlces
O l1 lnfrasLrucLure consulLlng servlces

an l [usL Lake few mlnuLes of your Llme Lo explaln you more abouL how Lhls call can beneflL you?
So you have you adopLed / SA Lo your

Ck flne
Whlch verslon are
you currenLly

?es or nCok
*nexL column

*an l explaln you abouL how Lhls call can
beneflL you?

Specific Solution
Features Detail
l undersLand you
are busy aL Lhe
an l glve you a call
aL any oLher Llme
you are sulLable

So are you happy Lhe way SA has served you?
We have laLesL upgrades LhaL are avallable for
beLLer producLlvlLy And also explaln abouL SA
All ln one buslness

an we seL up a 30 mlnuLes meeLlng wlLh our
Sales ulrecLor Lo dlscuss furLher on Lhls? WhaL

xplaln abouL SA 8eneflLs and also abouL
value addlLlon
ls Lhe besL Llme LhaL works wlLh you?

Would you be lnLeresLed ln havlng a shorL dlscusslon wlLh our Sales ulrecLor on how we can help you
resolve some of your lssues and challenges?

lf yes seL up a Llme lf no greeL and hang up

**SA deLalls

O llmlnaLe uupllcaLe uaLa nLry and lmprove uaLa Accuracy

O asL and accuraLe Crder processlng
O 8eLLer urchase lannlng
O 1rack lnvenLory accuraLely
O Mlnlmlse lnvenLory arrylng osLs
O Manage MulLlple rlce LlsLs
O aslly orecasL and lan roducLlon
O SLreamllne and MonlLor ManufacLurlng
O lmmedlaLely Lake correcLlve acLlons when someLhlng goes wrong wlLh work flow based alerLs and
O owerful eporLlng ablllLles
O lnbullL M

If asked about how Octopus can help them? (value addition)
O Domain Expertise in Paints Manufacturing Industry
O Fast Track Implementation
O omplete range of India Statutory Reports and MIS Reports
O Dash Boards and Business Intelligence
O Business ritical Alerts by SMS and
O Flexibility of On-Site model / Web Enabled Hosted Model with Internet loud
O End to End Internet onnectivity up to last mile

Industry Specific Solution Features (specific to Chemical and Allied)
8aLch osLlng
2 8aLch Lracklng
3 ackaglng
4 uamaged SLocks ManagemenL
3 eprocesslng LlnLlng and repacklng
6 MulLlple unlLs of Measures
7 MulLlple rlce LlsLs
MulLlple verslons of ormulaLlons
9 lnpuL CuLpuL

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