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}oin us for luncb witb

Senutor RlchurJ Burr

November 17th, 2011
12:00 P.M.
)obnny's Half Sbell
4uu Noith Capitol Stieet Noithwest
Washington, BC 2uuu1
Host: $2000 PAC/ $1ooo Per sonal
Attend: $1000 PAC/ $500 Per sonal

Pleose RSvP to Bono Eorris or Floine Sviqos:
202-7S7-9091 ,

Checks shoulu be maue payable to:
Tbe Next Century Fund
(FEC IB: CuuS4S947)
116 South Royal Stieet, Alexanuiia, vA 22S14
Contiibutions to the Next Centuiy Funu aie not tax ueuuctible foi feueial
income tax puiposes. Feueial law limits contiibutions to feueial PACs to
$S,uuu pei calenuai yeai fiom inuiviuuals anu othei feueial PACs. Feueial
law iequiie us to use oui best effoits to collect anu iepoit the name, mailing
auuiess, occupation anu name of employei of inuiviuuals whose
contiibutions exceeu $2uu in a calenuai yeai.

Paiu foi by the Next Centuiy Funu anu not authoiizeu by any canuiuate oi
canuiuate's committee. 116 South Royal
Stieet, Alexanuiia, vA 22S14.

Not piinteu at goveinment expense.

Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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