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ScreenshoL 1

1ype a devlce name of your wlsh

Change Lhe devlce Lype Lo C1L

Make sure ls L20 (1he model)

WhaL we have drawn ouL Lhe ladder loglc programmlng

1o see Lhe Llme movlng


Wlll see Lhe green llghL

ress enLer 1hen need seL value 1 yes or Lrue or run Cno or false or sLop

SeL 1

1lme ls runnlng _1s ls golng Lowards Lhe counLer (green llne)

LnLer 0

1lme sLop runnlng And Lhe _1s ls bllnklng
1ransferrlng programs

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