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How to describe and interpret pictures

Pointers for Picture Discussion

1) Introduction
(i) Give a general overview oI what the picture is about (HERE + HAT)
(ii) 'This picture was probably taken at . It shows .
2) Description & Interpretation

(i) Be organised and systematic.

Focus on the most important part oI the picture Iirst and move around the picture.
(a) 'The central Iocus oI this picture is..
(b) 'In the Ioreground / middleground / background.
(c) 'On the leIt / right oI the picture.
(d) 'In the top leIt corner / bottom right corner oI the picture, a man.
(ii) Use a wide and suitable range of vocabulary.

inIant, toddler, pre-school boy/girl, young boy/girl, teenage boy/girl, young man/woman, yuppie-looking
man/lady, middle-aged man/woman, elderly man/woman
Facial expressions
Sad: insipid, sombre, glum, sullen, downcast
Lifeliness: animated, beaming, wide-eyed
Happy smiles: bel air, graceIul, gleeIul, smiling like a Cheshire cat
Shy smiles: coy, demure, pinched
Laughter: hearty, bubbly, hilarious, convulsing with glee
Briefly describe the clothes and hairstyle oI the characters
(iii) Interpretation of People

What do the Iacial expression and body language oI a character tell you about:
a. how he is Ieeling or thinking?
b. what he intends to do?
c. his relationship with the others in the picture?
(iv) Interpretation of Place and Objects
What kind oI place is this? Why are the people there?
What do the objects tell you about
a. what had happened earlier?
b. what is happening now?
c. what will happen later?
d. the weather and the time oI the day?
(v) Interpretation - Some useful structures
'From her Iacial expression, I can assume that.
'From the wrappers on the Iloor, I can tell that.
'I believe.
'Perhaps this man is about to.

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