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Coogle lnc ls an Amerlcan mulLlnaLlonal publlc corporaLlon lnvesLed ln lnLerneL search cloud

compuLlng and adverLlslng Lechnologles Coogle hosLs and develops a number of lnLerneLbased
servlces and producLs and generaLes proflL prlmarlly from adverLlslng Lhrough lLs Ad Words program
1he company was founded by Larry age and Sergey 8rln ofLen dubbed Lhe Coogle Cuys Coogle
began ln !anuary 1996 as a research pro[ecL by Larry age and Sergey 8rln when Lhey were boLh hu
sLudenLs aL SLanford unlverslLy ln Callfornla
lL was flrsL lncorporaLed as a prlvaLely held company on SepLember 4 1998 and lLs lnlLlal publlc offerlng
followed on AugusL 19 2004
Coogles rapld growLh slnce lLs lncorporaLlon has Lrlggered a chaln of producLs acqulslLlons and
parLnershlps beyond Lhe companys core web search englne 1he company offers onllne producLlvlLy
sofLware such as lLs Cmall emall servlce and soclal neLworklng Lools lncludlng CrkuL and more
recenLly Coogle 8uzz and Coogle+ Coogles producLs exLend Lo Lhe deskLop as well wlLh appllcaLlons
such as Lhe web browser Coogle Chrome Lhe lcasa phoLo organlzaLlon and edlLlng sofLware and Lhe
Coogle 1alk lnsLanL messaglng appllcaLlon Coogle leads Lhe developmenL of Lhe Androld moblle
operaLlng sysLem
lL has been esLlmaLed LhaL Coogle runs over one mllllon servers ln daLa cenLers around Lhe world
Coogleowned slLes such as ?ou1ube (Alexa3) 8logger (Alexa6) and CrkuL23 Coogle also ranks
number Lwo ln Lhe 8randZ brand equlLy daLabase

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