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Do you sell directly to your end-users or do you reach them indirectly through
channel partners?
Ans: 08 we sell the products directly to end-users because as it is FMCG
product the customer Iirst check it details physically and then they will take
decision so we should maintain store we reach the customers directly
2 ow is your sales organization organized ?


3 ow do you Iorecast your sales Ior the Iuture?

Ans: It depends on many Iactors say people`s disposal incomeCustomer demand
Seasonal eIIect Pricing policies Discounts Competition

4 ow do you allocate your sales budgets & quotas?

Ans: Generally we do allocate sales budgets & quotas on ":,7907 basis II there
are any Iestivals near we allocate more budget because sales on Iestivals twice or
thrice than normal day sales

5 ow have you divided up sales territories?

Ans: we generally Iind a geographical territory base by Iinding the potential
customer base

6 ow do you recruit new salespeople?

Ans: Sales person is recruited accordingly the requirement oI the sales quotas
particularly and assigned to agents That person should have the skills(talkative
communication skills retentive memory

7 What sales training do you provide &how do you provide it?

Ans: The training is mainly stressed on three aspects:
i Providing complete knowledge about the products
ii Communication
iii Sales ethics
8 What motivational tools do you use to motivate your sales Iorce?

Ans: We provide Iinancial compensation tool Ior motivation by salary bonus etc
and some non-Iinancial compensation like recognition and job security

9 ow do you evaluate your sales people ?

Ans: By Iixing targets and the time span is calculated on sales people

ow do you compensate your sales people?

Ans: Compensation by salary recognition and job security

What does it take to be a successIul sales person/manager in india today?

Ans: Excellent planning and identiIying target customers by providing good
service is more necessary to become more successIul with this one should Iollow
the sales ethics

2 Through what other sales channels do you sell?

Ans: In general as our products and we Iollow one-level channel where consists
oI one intermediate saywe also oIIering Ianchisees

3 ow were your marketing / sales channels designed?

Ans: We have our own unique channel that purely depends upon the geographic
concentration oI potential consumers varies

4 ow do you select and evaluate your marketing/sales channel partners?

Ans: Depends upon the geographic area oI potential customers and the eIIective
sales people team we will evaluate

5 ow do you train & motivate your marketing/sales channel partners?

Ans: Sometimes we used to train beyond to normal training say when we used to
make a tie-up with corporate and we need to explain diIIerent insurance products
in detailed manner Ior somany people at a time so Ior that excellent skills are
required and by providing job recognition

6 ow do you manage your marketing/sales channel conIlicts?

Ans: We preIer uniIied system to avoid conIlicts But still we Iind some conIlicts

7 ow do you resolve marketing/sales channel conIlicts?

Ans: We resolve marketing/sales conIlicts by ' we regularly motivate sales
people we conduct training programs regularly II there is any conIlict occur the
higher oIIicial take care oI that

8 ow are new technologies aIIecting your channels oI distribution?

Ans:We have good technology we can easyly track our distribution systemWe can
also easyly maintain stock basing on demand

9 What changes have you noticed in channels oI distribution Irom past Iew

Ans: BeIore we have some problems with old disrtibution system now we have
advanced system by that change in distribution system we save lot oI time and
money and distribution eIIiciency also increased rapidly

2 ow do you see the Iuture oI sales & marketing channels?

Ans: It will be more eIIietive and more eIIicient we are trying to minimize the
conIlicts occur in distribution channals

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