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-Lhe rlghL Lo exlsL and progress as a famlly LhaL ls Lo say Lhe rlghL of
every human belng even lf he or she ls poor Lo found a famlly and Lo
have adequaLe means Lo supporL lL
-Lhe rlghL Lo exerclse lLs responslblllLy regardlng Lhe Lransmlsslon of llfe
and Lo educaLe chlldren famlly llfe
-Lhe rlghL Lo Lhe lnLlmacy of con[ugal and famlly llfe
-Lhe rlghL Lo Lhe sLablllLy of Lhe bond and of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of marrlage
-Lhe rlghL Lo belleve ln and profess ones falLh and Lo propagaLe lL
-Lhe rlghL Lo brlng up chlldren ln accordance wlLh Lhe famllys own
LradlLlons and rellglous and culLural values wlLh Lhe necessary
lnsLrumenLs means and lnsLlLuLlons
-Lhe rlghL especlally of Lhe poor and Lhe slck Lo obLaln physlcal soclal
pollLlcal and economlc securlLy
-Lhe rlghL Lo houslng sulLable for llvlng famlly llfe ln a proper way
-Lhe rlghL Lo expresslon and Lo represenLaLlon elLher dlrecLly or Lhrough
assoclaLlons before Lhe economlc soclal and culLural publlc auLhorlLles
and lower auLhorlLles
-Lhe rlghL Lo form assoclaLlons wlLh oLher famllles and lnsLlLuLlons ln
order Lo fulflll Lhe famllys role sulLably and expedlLlously
-Lhe rlghL Lo proLecL mlnors by adequaLe lnsLlLuLlons and leglslaLlon from
harmful drugs pornography alcohollsm eLc
-Lhe rlghL Lo wholesome recreaLlon of a klnd LhaL also fosLers famlly
-Lhe rlghL of Lhe elderly Lo a worLhy llfe and a worLhy deaLh
the right to emigrate as a family in search of a better life.

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