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1. Which one is the best Transportation System?

Better delivery of pedestrian or Safe / time consuming / expensive.

Safe /expensive / less time consuming.
Less time consuming /expensive / not safe.

2. Which are your department of interest / field / your active area of research?

Physics Biology Literature Business

3. Have you done any research that relates to Transportation Systems?

Yes No

4. Is transportation a significant environmental issue?

Yes No

5. Are you satisfied with the current Transportation systems?

100% 80% 50% 20%

6. (Among the present Transportation Systems) Which one of the Transportation

System do you perceive as being desired the most by traveler?

Underground trains Rail transport Air ways Water ways

Road transport

7. Which Transportation System do you see as having the most significant impact
in the next 5 years / in future?

Underground trains Rail transport Air ways Waterways

8. Which key areas do you feel could benefit, if finest TS is in operation?

Economy assets Trade market Military actions Agriculture

9. What do you feel needs to be done in the area of Transportation System?

10. Is there any harmful effect by using vacuum and Atmospheric pressure for
Transportation purposes?

Yes No

11. What do you feel needs to be done in order to increase public awareness of the
benefits of?

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