Questions Interview Sikander

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Questions 1. Why did you leave your last organization? My last organization was too small.

The scope of learning was limited. I gained knowledge of the trait and grew as well but there was no growth further. Hence I left the organization. (note: Make sure that your intention behind leaving is limited learning scopes not growth) 2. How long will you be with our organization? I am here to learn and I feel that the learning curve never ends. As far as staying with the company is concerned I feel that for the next two years Ill find ample opportunities to learn. So I can say that for at least the next two years Im with your organization. 3. Why did you choose our organization?

For this answer repeat the first answer if he has not asked u that. Then say that your organization is a premier name and offers an ocean to learn. I find this as an opportunity to be in an organization that can provide me a platform to global exposure. 4. What do you expect of this job? Global exposure with good learning opportunities, improve my existing skills and grow both personally and professionally. 5. What salary are you expecting? I would like to go with company norms. 6. Is there any question that you would like to ask? Yes. What does the company expect from me

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