ASB Social Class Activity

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Put a check by each item you know how to do

Section 1
know which grocery stores` garbage bins can be accessed Ior thrown away
know how to physically Iight and deIend myselI physically.
know how to live without a checking account.
know how to live without electricity and a phone.
know how to move in halI a day.
know how to get and use Iood stamps or an electronic card Ior beneIits.
know where the Iree medical clinics are.
can get by without a car.
Section 2
know how to properly set a table.
know which stores are most likely to carry the clothing brands like.
know how to order in a nice restaurant.
know how to use a credit card, checking account, and savings account.
go to college.
know how to help others with their homework and do not hesitate to ask
Ior extra help.
know how to decorate the house Ior the holidays.
repair items in my house almost immediately when they break or know a
repair service and call it.

Section 3
can read a menu in French, English, and another language.
have several Iavorite restaurants in diIIerent countries oI the world.
know who my preIerred Iinancial advisor, legal service, designer, and
hairdresser are.
Ily in my own plane or on the company plane.
know how to host the parties that 'key people attend.
am on the boards oI at least two organizations.
support or buy the works oI a particular artist.
know now to read a corporate Iinancial statement and analyze my own
Iinancial statements.

think can survive in:
iddle Class
&pper Class

*Payne, Ruby. A Framework Ior &nderstanding Poverty. AHA! Process nc., 1996.

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