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AdverLlslng AdverLlslng

8y Aylle And Sarah

L ls saylng LhaL we should LrusL Lhls man's wlfe because hls L ls saylng LhaL we should LrusL Lhls man's wlfe because hls
shlrLs are always cleanţ klnd of llke saylng LhaL Lhe woman shlrLs are always cleanţ klnd of llke saylng LhaL Lhe woman
knows besLŦ knows besLŦ
1hls ad could be affecLlve because hls shlrL ls really whlLeţ 1hls ad could be affecLlve because hls shlrL ls really whlLeţ
people wlll Lhlnk Lhelr shlrLs wlll be as clean as hls LooŦ people wlll Lhlnk Lhelr shlrLs wlll be as clean as hls LooŦ
1he language ln Lhls adverLlsemenL ls saylng LhaL women are dalnLyţ so Lhey always ask Lhe 1he language ln Lhls adverLlsemenL ls saylng LhaL women are dalnLyţ so Lhey always ask Lhe
man Lo open Lhe keLchup boLLleţ buL now Lhe boLLle LhaL Lhls company has creaLed has an man Lo open Lhe keLchup boLLleţ buL now Lhe boLLle LhaL Lhls company has creaLed has an
easy Lo open lldŦ easy Lo open lldŦ don'L really llke Lhls ad because noL all women are dalnLy or weakŦ don'L really llke Lhls ad because noL all women are dalnLy or weakŦ
L ls effecLlve because lLs easy Lo see and readŦ Þeople wlll Lhlnk lL's a beLLer company L ls effecLlve because lLs easy Lo see and readŦ Þeople wlll Lhlnk lL's a beLLer company
because of good boLLlesŦ because of good boLLlesŦ
1hls ad ls saylng LhaL men Lhlnk LhaL 1hls ad ls saylng LhaL men Lhlnk LhaL
women look cuLer when Lhey work women look cuLer when Lhey work
hardŦ 1he ad ls Lelllng us LhaL Lhls hardŦ 1he ad ls Lelllng us LhaL Lhls
lady uses vlLamlns and Lhey are lady uses vlLamlns and Lhey are
Lrylng Lo geL you Lo buy Lhose Lrylng Lo geL you Lo buy Lhose
vlLamlnsŦ Lhlnk LhaL Lhls ad ls a bad vlLamlnsŦ Lhlnk LhaL Lhls ad ls a bad
one because lL says LhaL women can one because lL says LhaL women can
noL work hard or anyLhlng unless noL work hard or anyLhlng unless
Lhey have vlLamlnsŦ L also says Lhey have vlLamlnsŦ L also says LhaL LhaL
men men only flnd Lhem cuLLer when Lhey only flnd Lhem cuLLer when Lhey
workŦ workŦ

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