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Anny almer

oeLry Analysls

When l am readlng Lhe poems Song of Lhe Cpen 8oad" by WalL WhlLman and 1ravel" by Ldna
SL vlncenL Mlllay l geL Lwo dlfferenL sLorles 1hls ls because each speaker ls Lravellng or sLarLed Lravellng
for a dlfferenL reason ln Song of Lhe Cpen 8oad" Lhe poem seems Lo be abouL a person LhaL ls golng on
Lhelr [ourney afLer Lhey have become an lndependenL person as well as Lo geL away from Lhelr conflned
pasL Cn Lhe oLher slde of LhaL Lhe flgure ln Lhe 1ravel" poem ls a wanderer and sLarLed Lravellng
because Lhey loved lL 1hey en[oy aLLalnlng new frlends along Lhe way and are exclLed for Lhe many
dlverse frlends Lhey wlll soon be maklng on Lhelr advenLures as well as belng able Lo see more of Lhe
beauLlful Lhlngs around Lhem l feel Lhough LhaL Lhey are slmllar ln Lhe facL LhaL Lhey boLh llke havlng
Lhls freedom of open declslons and Lhe Lhlngs Lhey can do and see from Laklng Lhese new paLhs
Whlle readlng Lhese poems Lhe lmages LhaL come Lo mlnd are as dlfferenL as Lhe reasonlng for
Lhelr Lravellng ln Lhe Cpen 8oad poem l plcLure a person LhaL ls Lhelr own unlque lndependenL person
and ls proud of lL 8elng able Lo spend much of Lhelr Llme on Lhe road Lhey have chosen for Lhemselves
ln Lhe 1ravel poem l plcLure a blL of a companlonless wanderer ?eL Lhls wanderer lsn'L as lonely as Lhey
would look Lhelr face showlng slgns of Lhelr wondrous experlences 1hey would consLanLly be Lravellng
on Lhe Lralns and wanLlng Lo see Lhe enLlre world and have Lhose many memorles Lo share
lf l were Lo be able Lo meeL one of Lhese characLers l would probably choose Lhe one ln Lhe
poem 1ravel" l Lhlnk Lhe person ln Lhls poem would be a fun person Lo Lalk wlLh abouL Lhelr many
Lravellng sLorles and learn more abouL Lhe llfe Lhey lead and why Lhey do whaL Lhey do l feel llke l am
more llke Lhe person ln Lhls poem as well because l wanL Lo be able Lo see as much of Lhe world as l can
geL my hands on as well as meeLlng as many new people and learnlng Lhelr culLures as l could
Some of my favorlLe parLs of Lhese poems are conLrlbuLed by Lhelr wordlng and lmagery lor
example ln Lhe Cpen 8oad l love how Lhe auLhor shows LhaL Lhe person ls happy wlLh Lhelr declslon Lo
Lravel by saylng PealLhy free Lhe world before meSLrong and conLenL l Lravel Lhe open road" 1hey
make Lhe road a frlendly Lhlng Lhls Lraveler en[oys Also ln 1ravel l love Lhe endlng And beLLer frlends
l'll be noL knowlng /?eL Lhere lsn'L a Lraln l wouldn'L Lake / no maLLer where lL's golng" lL shows how
eager Lhls Lraveler ls Lo geL golng and see new Lhlngs and meeL new people everywhere
l Lhlnk Lhe Lwo blggesL messages LhaL are conveyed Lhrough Lhese poems ls Lo look around us
and be glad LhaL we have Lhe freedom Lo choose whaL paLh we wanL Lo follow ln our llves AnoLher
message ls LhaL we need Lo keep an open mlnd of Lhe Lhlngs around us and be ready Lo meeL and make
new frlends as well as see Lhe beauLy ln and around us

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